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The Healthcare Interior Design 2.0 Podcast Episode 60: Part 2, Sarah Tetens NCIDQ, RID, IIDA, CHID, EDAC, Design Director at Baskervill

October 2023

In part 2 of today’s episode, Cheryl continues her conversation with Sarah Tetens NCIDQ, RID, IIDA, CHID, EDAC, Design Director at Baskervill. They dig deeper into how empathy and compassion play a role in Sarah’s work, why healthcare is purposeful and how that shows up with the people who choose healthcare as their career. This and so much more about the changing face of healthcare design on part 2 of today’s show!

Learn more about Sarah Tetens and Baskervill by visiting: https://baskervill.com/.
Send Sarah a direct email here: stetens@baskervill.com
Learn more about Women in Healthcare’s Florida Chapter by visiting: https://florida.womeninhealthcare.org/about/
Email : florida@womeninhealthcare.org
Visit Women In Healthcare online here: https://www.womeninhealthcare.org/.

In Part 2 of Cheryl’s conversation with Sarah Tetens, they discuss:

  • Sarah generously shares that her work in healthcare is purposeful, and the idea that everyone in healthcare – from nurse to technician to designer – is passionate about “doing good” is perhaps her favorite aspect of the work. 
  • How do empathy and compassion play a role in Sarah’s work and when are setting boundaries important?
  • Who is Baskervill and what is its focus?
  • What has Sarah’s journey been like and how did she find healthcare design?
  • What did Sarah learn from her experience in retail that has informed her work in healthcare?
  • Learn more about the AAHID (The American Academy of Healthcare Interior Designers) and Sarah’s role on the Board of Directors.
  • What is it like for Sarah to sit on the Board of Directors, Women in Healthcare’s Florida Chapter?
  • Listen to Sarah share her experience as a mentor to SeminalState ID kids, and why this work is so important.

The world is changing quickly. The Center for Health Design is committed to providing the healthcare design and senior living design industries with the latest research, best practices and innovations. The Center can help you solve today’s biggest healthcare challenges and make a difference in care, safety, medical outcomes, and the bottom line. Find out more at healthdesign.org.

Additional support for this podcast comes from our industry partners:

  • The American Academy of Healthcare Interior Designers
  • The Nursing Institute for Healthcare Design


Learn more about how to become a Certified Healthcare Interior Designer®  by visiting the American Academy of Healthcare Interior Designers at: https://aahid.org/.

Connect to a community interested in supporting clinician involvement in design and construction of the built environment by visiting The Nursing Institute for Healthcare Design at https://www.nursingihd.com/.

12:13 Ana Pinto Alexander, Executive VP at HKS Architects
17:22 The American Academy of Healthcare Interior Designers (AAHID)
23:03 Women in Healthcare
28:55 Seminole State ID