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Healthcare Interior Design 2.0 Podcast Episode 25: Lisa M. Cini, Principal at Mosaic Design Studio

January 2020

Lisa M. Cini, tech-thought leader, best-selling author, National Designer for Senior Living and Aging in Place Environments, and Principal at Mosaic Design Studio talks about her purchase of the storied Columbus, Ohio Woodland Manor Mansion.

Lisa (and her team) are in the process of transforming the mansion into a fully functional living experience to highlight the newest innovations in technology for senior and multi-generational living. She shares, “I was driving past this mansion one day, and I had always seen it on my drive home for about 20 years, and there was a for sale sign outside. And I thought, I’m supposed to buy this.” 

Lisa’s latest book entitled, BOOM -  The Baby Boomer’s Guide to Leveraging Technology So That You Can Preserve Your Independent Lifestyle and Thrive is an #1 Amazon Bestseller. Lisa is also the author of Hive - “The Simple Guide to Multigenerational Living” and  “The Future is Here: Senior Living Reimagined.”

Lisa has received a multitude of awards and honors for her design skills and business and leadership acumen, and has shared her senior living design expertise on the program “Today in America with Terry Bradshaw.”