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Filadelfia Epilepsy Hospital, Dianalund, Denmark

January 2015
EDAC Advocate Firm Project
Filadelfia Epilepsy Hospital, Dianalund, Denmark, Masterplan, Jesper Andreasen


Firm's role on the project: To ensure optimal physical settings that create a positive and productive synergy with the processes and clinical pathways taking place within them.

EBD Goal

The overall goal of ArchiMed’s work with Filadelfia Epilepsy Hospital was to ensure optimal physical settings that create a positive and productive synergy with the processes and clinical pathways taking place within them.  To increase satisfaction for staff, patients and relatives and have a positive impact on management and finance, strengthening the hospital's professional profile and competitive position.  Filadelfia Hospital wants to become a 'Center of Excellence' in the fields of neurology and epilepsy.


To be an internationally recognized 'Center of Excellence' for patients diagnosed with epilepsy or acquired brain damage which requires provision of complex and specialized diagnostics, treatments, nursing and rehabilitation.  As a specialty hospital, this demands documented high quality, financially efficient, top-class research, and excellent communication with patients, relatives and business partners.

To help realize this goal, ArchiMed worked to analyze and identify the opportunities and resources within the existing physical settings and how they are used in relation to the hospital's core services.


Throughout the project, several approaches were used to gather the knowledge, experience and viewpoints from hospital management, the board of directors and employees.  ArchiMed began by conducting surveys of the physical building followed by observations and analyses of working procedures and clinical pathways.  Additionally, ArchiMed facilitated interviews with relevant staff in all departments and respresentative groups, with the purpose of understanding how the hosptial could become a known entity making the process transparent and providing the staff and community the chance for input.  ArchiMed gathered and analyzed quantitative data that was compared to the qualitative information obtained earlier in the process.  Focus points, identified from this process, were further developed into hypotheses.  These hypotheses were subsequently discussed with the management and board of directors in order to secure a concept and a common direction for the progress of the project.


The final product is a report that contains thorough mapping and analyses of the building mass and potential operational optimizations, as well as concrete solutions to the challenges and opportunities identified. The focus points are described and calculated, and investments are weighed against the possible gain, both long and the short term. The report was subsequently presented to the board, who is in charge of making the final decisions concerning future investments.  The project is the first step towards the final goal for the hospital to become a 'Center of Excellence' within the fields of neurology and epilepsy.