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Knowledge Repository

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Displaying 3101 - 3120 of 6333

Is single room hospital accommodation associated with differences in healthcare-associated infection, falls, pressure ulcers or medication errors? A natural experiment with non-equivalent controls

Author(s): Simon, M., Maben, J., Murrells, T., Griffiths, P.
Previous studies have associated single-patient rooms with reduced infection rates, reduced medication errors, and faster patient recovery rates. In response, an increasing number of hospitals have been shifting towards an entirely single-patient room layout. Although there are plenty of studies from the U.K. providing empirical evidence for the efficacy of single-patient rooms, the United States lacks this foundation of published research, and could therefore benefit from an outcome analysis of single-patient rooms.
Key Point Summary
Added February 2016

Oncology Care Setting Design and Planning Part II: Designing Healthcare Settings to Prevent Fungal Infections and Improve Handwashing

Author(s): Sheridan-Leos, N.
Added February 2016

Measuring the Structure of Visual Fields in Nursing Units

Author(s): Lu, Y.
A nurses’ central role is to treat and attend to patients’ needs in a timely manner. This becomes complicated when managing several patients simultaneously, especially those in critical care. Therefore, developing an efficient system that helps nurses manage patient care and reduces nurse burnout rates is critical.
Key Point Summary
Added January 2016

Making the Case for Evidence-Based Design in Healthcare: A Descriptive Case Study of Organizational Decision Making

Author(s): Shoemaker, L.K., Kazley, A.S., White, A.
It is reported that an approximately 98,000 people die each year in the United States as a result of medical errors (IOM, 1999). This is unacceptable in a country that prides itself on the best medical institutions and access to the highest-end technology. It is believed that the need to renew currently standing hospitals is due to a combination of aging buildings, aging populations, and introduction of new technologies (Ulrich, 2004). This has led to a large patient safety movement and the largest hospital construction boom in U.S. history (Jones, 2004).
Key Point Summary
Added January 2016

Affective design of waiting areas in primary healthcare

Author(s): Ayas, E., Eklund, J., Ishihara, S.
Added January 2016

Hospital waiting time: the forgotten premise of healthcare service delivery?

Author(s): Pillay, D. I., Ghazali, R. J. D. M., Manaf, N. H. A., Abdullah, Abu Hassan Asaari, Bakar, A. A., Salikin, F., Umapathy, M., Ali, R., Bidin, N., Ismail, W. I. W.
Added January 2016

Photographic art in exam rooms may reduce white coat hypertension

Author(s): Harper, M. B., Kanayama-Trivedi, S., Caldito, G., Montgomery, D., Mayeaux, E., DelRosso, L. M.
Added January 2016

Children’s preferences concerning ambiance of dental waiting rooms

Author(s): Panda, A., Garg, I., Shah, M.
Added January 2016

Effectiveness of improved hydrogen peroxide in decontaminating privacy curtains contaminated with multidrug-resistant pathogens

Author(s): Rutala, W. A., Gergen, M. F., Sickbert-Bennett, E. E., Williams, D. A., Weber, D. J.
Added January 2016

Do high-touch surfaces in public spaces pose a risk for influenza transmission? A virologic study during the peak of the 2009 influenza A(H1N1) pandemic in Geneva, Switzerland

Author(s): von Braun, A., Thomas, Y., Sax, H.
Added January 2016

The psychological effects of the physical healthcare environment on healthcare personnel

Author(s): The Cochrane Collaboration, Tanja-Dijkstra, K., Pieterse, M. E.
Added January 2016

Characteristics Associated with Low Food and Fluid Intake in Long-Term Care Residents with Dementia

Author(s): Reed, P.S., Zimmerman, S., Sloane, P.D, Williams, C. S., Boustani, M.
Research conducted on residents of different nursing homes shows that the older people who had been suffering with impaired mobility and cognition face serious malnutrition resulting from insufficient food intake and dehydration problems due to less consumption of fluid intake. The resident characteristics that contribute to food and fluid intake include cognitive status, ability to drink independently, and physical limitations such as difficulty swallowing.
Key Point Summary
Added January 2016

Adapting to Family-Centered Hospital Design: Changes in Providers’ Attitudes over a Two-Year Period

Author(s): France, D., Throop, P., Joers, B., Allen, L., Parekh, A., Rickard, D., Deshpande, J.
Although hospitals are being designed based on evidence-based design principles, it’s unclear how working in such an environment influences providers’ attitudes and professional performance.
Key Point Summary
Added January 2016

Developing the Birth Unit Design Spatial Evaluation Tool (BUDSET) in Australia: A Qualitative Study

Author(s): Foureur, M., Leap, N., Davis, D., Forbes, I., & Homer, C.
To develop a tool to assess the “optimality” of birth unit design. This is important because “Optimal birth spaces are likely to enable women to have physiologically normal labor and birth.”
Key Point Summary
Added January 2016

Development of the Content and Quality in Briefs Instrument (CQB-I)

Author(s): Elf, M., Engstram, M., Wijk, H.
To develop a tool to assess the content and quality of information in briefing documents. A well-developed brief is important because “The brief is essential for capturing users’ needs and guides the whole building process from planning to construction.”
Key Point Summary
Added January 2016

Review: The impact of art, design and environment in mental healthcare: A systematic review of the literature

Author(s): Daykin, N., Byrne, E., Soteriou, T., O'Connor, S.
There is increasing evidence that attractive environments can enhance the experiences of healthcare users. What creates attractive environments may be relative to the country where that healthcare is provided. This paper was written in the UK and was an attempt to find research that supports the use of art to create healing environments along with the role of art in encouraging civic pride. It was part of a two-year evaluation of a commissioned arts program in a UK mental health trust.
Key Point Summary
Added January 2016

The Role of Art in a Paediatric Healthcare Environment from Children's and Young People's Perspectives

Author(s): Bishop, K.
Added January 2016

Making acuity-adaptable units work: lessons from the field

Author(s): Zimring, C., Seo, H.
Acuity-Adaptable Units (AAUs) are rooms with a treatment model that allows all stages of patient care to come to the patient’s unit from the time of admission to discharge. Minimizing the amount of patient transfers helps decrease medication errors, infection rates, and medical complications. This helps avoid injuries and infections connected with patient transfers from unit to unit through transitions in stages of care.
Key Point Summary
Added January 2016

Nurses’ Perception of Noise Levels in Hospitals in Spain

Author(s): del Pilar Marques Sanchez, M., Calle Pardo, A. P., Calvo Sanchez, D., Nunez Gelado, Y. & Mompart Garcia, M. P.
Even though we know that noise has an impact on patients, how noise impacts the work environment of nurses is not well understood. In general, relevant studies show that the worse types of noise for patients are background noise, vibrations, screen alarms, and other people talking. Nurse researchers in Spain recently completed the first phase of a multiphase study to identify the most annoying noises in the practice environment.
Key Point Summary
Added January 2016

The Design of Adult Acute Care Units in U.S. Hospitals

Author(s): Catrambone, C., Johnson, M. E., Mion, L. C. & Minnick, A. F.
In 2005, the Agency for Healthcare Research & Quality (AHRQ) publicized a commissioned report about hospital environments (Nelson, West, & Goodman, 2005). The report included a summary of all published research (N=328 reports) about those environments and patient and staff outcomes, including safety, satisfaction, and efficiency, as well as clinical outcomes.
Key Point Summary
Added January 2016