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Surfaces Matter: Evidence-Based Strategies for Safe & Sustainable Lifecycle Performance for Patient & Staff Use Environments

June 2019

Examine the unique infection control and regulated maintenance requirement challenges healthcare facility design and operations professionals face in their efforts to create thoughtful functional high-performance patient and staff use spaces. This webinar offers recent evidence-based strategies that if followed, can contribute to reduced healthcare-associated infections, better HCAHPS scores & longer lifecycle performance.
The speaker will introduce the results of a study conducted in 2016, examining patient room materials including wood, stainless steel, and solid surfaces where surfaces were tested before and after being compromised to simulate healthcare environments that will challenge conventional interior product & material manufacturers to design and select surfaces differently to protect patients and staff from the growing threat of surface transference of infections.  Attendees will hear the candid, real-world challenges of maintaining high level design expectations in healthcare environment that are exposed to constant regulated chemical cleaners and abuse and discover strategic avenues to merge science with style.

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