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Healthcare Interior Design 2.0 Podcast EPISODE 48: Lynnette Tedder IIDA, CHID, EDAC, LEED AP, WELL AP, CID, Healthcare Interiors Practice Leader at Perkins+Will

June 2021

Lynnette Tedder, Healthcare Interiors Practice Leader at Perkins+Will, was raised by a father who worked with NASA on the Apollo 11 LUNAR landing program!

When asked, “What was it like to be raised by a father who worked with NASA on the Apollo 11 LUNAR landing program and how did that inform your work in healthcare?” Lynnette shares, “Math was big in our lives. My dad was a physicist and he had a chalkboard in his office full of formulas, which I had no idea what those meant. I have always loved floor plans and puzzles and I put that math thing to work. I think it makes me a good planner.”