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Healthcare Interior Design 2.0 Podcast Episode 30: Paul Scialla, Founder and Chief Executive Officer at Delos

April 2020

By placing health and wellness at the center of design, construction, technology and programming decisions, Delos is transforming our indoor environments into spaces that actively contribute to human health and well-being. Paul shares how the current crisis is moving beyond political boundaries. “At the end of the day,” Paul shares, “The broader notion of wellness real estate--if we can use our buildings, our homes, our offices, our schools, our hotels, and our senior and assisted living facilities as a way to, constantly and passively, deliver preventative medical intentions through four walls and a roof, there is not one political mind in the world that will have a problem with that.” Paul also discusses Delos’s new Facilities Improvement Program and how it can help our most vulnerable population in this pandemic---our older adults in senior living communities and facilities.