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Healthcare Interior Design 2.0 Podcast Episode 29: Sara Marberry, EDAC, Healthcare Design Expert, Marketing Consultant, & Writer

April 2020

In this podcast, Sara Marberry discusses the short-and long-term effects of the current crisis on the healthcare design industry. Sara shares, “A halt on projects in the short term is not necessarily a bad thing. I think this will bring more renovation projects to make them safer to attract new residents in senior care facilities, for example.” 

Sara Marberry has been a healthcare design expert, writer, speaker, and marketing consultant for the past 30 years. Her industry involvement is wide and deep, including board positions with The Center for Health Design and the Symposium on Healthcare Design. In 1993, Sara and her colleagues formed the nonprofit Center for Health Design, which has been instrumental in advancing the idea that the design of the physical environment affects patient outcomes.

Sara regularly blogs on current events and topics related to healthcare design and senior living design at https://www.saramarberry.com/.