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Vassar T. Byrd

Rose Villa Senior Living

Equipped with a master’s degree in economics from the London School of Economics, Vassar began her career as an economist, working in Washington, DC and Portland, Oregon. After ten years in the field, she chose to change her career entirely for the opportunity to work in nonprofit senior living. She obtained a master’s degree in gerontology from Naropa University and became CEO of Rose Villa, a not-for-profit CCRC, in 2006.

Bringing both financial rigor and resident-directed perspective to her work, she focuses on building partnerships with residents to create vibrant, emotional, social and physical environments. She is passionate about the way we age, working to break down negative stereotypes and visioning senior living in new and innovative ways. Vassar brings a broad base of experience, facilitating new development and senior living initiatives which are key to the financial success and renewed strength of the Rose Villa community today.