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Jennifer Wagner, PhD, CIC

Micorbiologist / Managing Partner
OnSite - LLC

Jennifer has dedicated her efforts and expertise to infection prevention program design through evidence-based science, research, education and consulting. She has nearly twenty years of experience in environmental and clinical microbiology and is board certified in infection prevention and control (CIC). As managing partner of OnSite-LLC, she is dedicated to improved clinical outcomes through data driven solutions and has worked in numerous hospitals both nationwide and internationally. Collaborative efforts to develop the use of Environmental Quality Indicators (EQI) for healthcare spaces have been validated in nearly 100 procedures and are published in the American Journal of Infection Control (AJIC), The Journal of American College of Surgeons (JACS), ASHRAE Journal and others. With OnSite’s multidisciplinary team of clinicians, microbiologist, epidemiologists, healthcare engineers and designers, she has worked to optimize the asepsis of critical spaces in hospitals and has developed the tools, with over one hundred thousand data points, to accurately predict the risk of microbial contamination in critical spaces in the built environment. Her future endeavors continue to explore innovative solutions for successful and prudent improvement of infection prevention.