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Gaius G. Nelson, NCARB, EDAC

Nelson-Tremain Partnership

Gaius Nelson is president of Nelson-Tremain Partnership, an architectural practice focused on serving the design needs of older people. In 1987 he helped pioneer the first Household/Neighborhood concept within a skilled nursing setting at Evergreen Retirement Community in Oshkosh, Wisconsin. Throughout his professional practice he has worked to promote non-institutional, resident focused environments for living - through design, education and policy advocacy. He is a frequent speaker at regional and national conferences, and has served on numerous civic and industry committees including more than 25 years on the Facilities Guidelines Institute (FGI) Revision Committee.

Gaius Nelson is an architect and consultant dedicated to designing person-centered senior living environments. He received a Master of Science in Architectural Studies degree from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology where his studies focused in the research of the built environment and its impact on elders, bringing a unique understanding of the inter-relationship of operational issues and design. As a Bush Foundation Leadership Fellow, Mr. Nelson spent six weeks in 1995 studying public policy formation and implementation at AAHSA (currently known as LeadingAge) in Washington, DC. During this time, he also served as Chairman of the private sector Workshop for the Office of Technology Assessment study titled: Residential Technologies for Elderly People and Persons with Disabilities: Issues in Innovation, Design and Implementation.