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Touchstone Award Submission Deadline

When: August 9, 2024
Time: 11:59pm Pacific

Since 2009, over 3,000 individuals have obtained certification through the EDAC (Evidence-Based Design Accreditation and Certification) program. These individuals, together with their colleagues, clients and project teams, have employed the EBD process in projects and products worldwide to enhance health, safety and wellness; increase value; improve outcomes; and, engage stakeholders.

The Touchstone Award – with its rigorous judging by accomplished and renowned industry veterans – represents the pinnacle of achievement for evidence-based design practitioners, and their firms, teams and projects or products.

While originally conceived to recognize the use of the EBD process specifically in healthcare environments, today projects (built or conceptual) or products of any type that employ an evidence-based design process are eligible and encouraged to explore this recognition opportunity and apply.

Learn more and submit here.