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Webinar: The Future is Now: Integrating Logistics Automation Technologies into Healthcare Facility Planning and Design

When: December 15, 2022
Time: 10:00am Pacific
Price: $65 Individual View/$150 Group View

1 unit EDAC continuing education
1 unit AIA continuing education
IDCEC credit also available**

CEU forms available for download during webinar


This webinar is free to our Affiliate+ members.


Simultaneous and powerful disruptors such as pandemics, energy crises, geopolitical issues, labor challenges, and natural disasters are pushing many planning activities, including healthcare facilities planning, to a tipping point. Owners and planning teams are looking for innovative ways to improve patient and staff safety while reducing costs by improving operational efficiencies. 

As we have seen during the COVID-19 pandemic, there are two major factors that could spread infections: contact with infected humans and contact with infected materials or surfaces. Both of these instances could be mitigated with use of conveyance automation technologies as part of hospital planning and design strategy. The earlier a planning team considers logistics automation options in the planning and consideration process, the more successful it will be. 

This webinar will discuss a variety of decision factors (feasibility, practicality, safety considerations, space requirements, and engineering considerations) for various automation alternatives within different operating healthcare environments, and explore the overall evaluation process including information gathering, user input, and cultural and operational factors. Case studies will present empirical data driving the decision and design process.



Learning Objectives

  • Understand the applications, impact and benefits of logistics automation in facility planning and design.
  • Determine when in the planning and design process automation should be considered.
  • How to assess the impact of logistics automation on overall project management and budget planning.
  • Identify key success factors to attain the projected benefits of logistics automation.



Presenting Faculty

Douglas J King, AIA, NCARB, ACHA

Doug King has over 40 years of strategic advisory and planning related experience in the healthcare sector. His project portfolio ranges from large scale comprehensive medical centers, to replacement hospitals, to smaller scale community hospitals. His three areas of expertise are high rise healthcare design; resilient/emergency response in healthcare and population health management/community Health.
Doug has been recognized as an influencer in the US healthcare facilities arena by such groups as Globe St and Healthcare Design Magazine, and regularly speaks at conferences and universities across the US. He was selected as the top Healthcare Architect in the US [HCD 10 awardee] in 2020-21 by the US based Healthcare Design Magazine. He is a recognized expert in the typology of "high rise" hospitals - pioneering this building type with his seminal article in the Spring 2016 issue of the CTBUH Journal - for the Council of Tall Buildings and Urban Habitats. He has since published and spoken extensively on the challenges of large scale/ high rise hospitals.


Sandesh Jagdev

Mr. Sandesh Jagdev is a founding principal at Logimaxx, a logistics and supply chain consulting firm. He has over 31 years of experience in supply-chain and logistics management in multiple industries. He has led development and implementation of innovative logistics, supply-chain, inventory optimization and facility planning strategies using Lean Six-Sigma process approach.

For the past twenty years, Mr. Jagdev has worked primarily as a lead consultant in the healthcare industry for supply chain, logistics, Integrated Service Center, and facilities planning support. Recently, he has led several facilities planning projects involving logistics automation delivering over $200MM savings for multiple hospital planning projects including a large hospital facility in North America.