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Webinar: Upside Down and Inside Out – Understanding the Grab Bar Research that Led to Revised Codes

When: February 24, 2022
Time: 10:00am Pacific
Price: $65 Individual View/$150 Group View

1 unit EDAC continuing education
1 unit AIA continuing education
IDCEC credit also available**

CEU forms available for download during webinar


This webinar is free to our Affiliate+ members.


Some environmental research is meant primarily for internal use by the design firm or health care system. Other research has a broader goal of influencing design across a broad array of health care settings.

The Grab Bar Specifications research project that was recently awarded a Platinum Touchstone award fits this latter category. This project reflects the deepest goals of evidence-based design practices.

It reflects the coordinated and on-going efforts of a team of individuals to advance it from its initial stage -- as an AIA Design for Aging Knowledge Community white paper to push for revisions to the Americans’ with Disabilities Act – to a two-phase, comparative analysis study of elders living in nursing homes, and then to efforts to get the results included in revised codes and guidelines.  


Learning Objectives

  • Understand the rationale for the need for different grab-bar specifications for older adults.
  • Identify the different sets of stakeholders necessary for this project to move to completion.
  • Describe the different phases of the project critical for its ultimate success.
  • Generate ideas for future projects that might follow a similar trajectory.


Presenting Faculty

Margaret Calkins, PhD, EDAC, FGSA, Board Chair, IDEAS Institute

Dr. Calkins is nationally recognized as a creative, dynamic leader, trainer and researcher in the field of environments for elders. She is Board Chair of IDEAS Institute, an independent research institute dedicated to exploring the therapeutic potential of the environment – social and organizational, as well as physical – particularly as it relates to frail and impaired older adults. 

She is a highly sought after speaker for conferences in the US and abroad. She has published extensively and received over $6m in grant funding from the National Institutes of Health and foundations to develop training resources and explore the impact of the environment on people with dementia. She has served on numerous boards, both local and national, including the Pioneer Network, and the Cleveland Chapter of the Alzheimer’s Association and has partnered with The Green House® Replication Project and Planetree.