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Chris Giattina


Chris is an architect, manufacturer, builder and teacher. He believes everything can be made better, and figuring out how is part of his job. He works with smart designers, industrial engineers, manufacturers and builders to make better buildings faster.

Designing training facilities for Honda and Kia, Giattina was introduced to manufacturing methods that could improve the design and construction process. The key is bringing an understanding of manufacturing to design so that its productivity can be realized in construction. He helped make a framework to organize ideas and methods: Design Manufacture Construct™ was the result.

GA is his architectural firm, it is the D in DMC. He designs thoughtful buildings AND knows how to knit the manufacturing methods into traditional construction that enhance a building's quality while speeding its delivery to market.

BLOX is his manufacturer, the M in DMC. It was created out of necessity - we needed a manufacturer interested in making our building parts. It is lean from stem to stern and routinely works with other architects, engineers and trade contractors.