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Behavioral & Mental Health

Insights & Solutions

March 2022 Webinar

Due to this increased demand and wide acceptance of telemental health services, design and construction solutions need to adapt to the mass adoption of this platform. This webinar examines how behavioral health facilities can prepare for the future of mental healthcare delivery.  

March 2022 Webinar

This webinar offers a case study of IU Health Bloomington Hospital. One of the main challenges of this project was creating a flexible space that was safe and secure, but highly focused on hospitality and positive patient environments. This team discussed the ideal vision for the unit with the client and through intentional communication and focused listening, a plan was developed by the staff which Guidon implemented into a program space and floor plan. Using 3D modeling and mock-up, the team developed a thorough understanding of the integrated case work.

July 2021 Webinar

This webinar will tell the story of the path of this remarkable project from strategic planning through occupancy. Presenters will illustrate the ways in which the siting and design of the building breaks down the stigma associated with mental illness.  

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