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Designing Post-Pandemic Hospice Care Facilities

Course Information

Hospice facility design has a significant impact on a dying patient’s “quality of life” and taking care of family. This presentation will introduce eleven environmental therapeutic and design elements that enhance the quality of care and supports healthcare providers. Hospice facilities face unique challenges during disasters as their patient populations are particularly vulnerable due to terminally ill conditions with decreased mobility and dependence on medical technology. This presentation will discuss six major design-related challenges of hospice care facilities by COVID-19: a) improving infection control, b) accommodating covid-19 patients along with regular patients, c) accommodating patients’ families in the facilities, d) creating a safe and supportive place for healthcare workers, e) providing palliative therapies and spiritual or grief support, and f) increasing in-house surge capacity. At last, this session will present the design requirements related to providing a supportive environment for patients, their family members, and healthcare providers.

Learning objectives:

  1. Gain knowledge about the eleven environmental therapeutic goals for designing a hospice care facility.
  2. Identify the gaps and issues created by the Covid-19 pandemic to achieve these eleven goals of hospice environments.
  3. Recognize the requirements and design issues related to providing a supportive environment for healthcare providers.
  4. Learn how to facilitate a hospice environment to enhance a dying patient’s “quality of life” and support the family during and after the patient’s death.

Presenter: Sharmin Kader Ph.D., MS, Associate AIA, Design Research Associate, MTS Engineering & Design

Click here for more information and registration.


EDAC Course ID:
March 2, 2023
Class Frequency: