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Angela Perry, LNHA, COO

Vernon Manor

In June 2019, Angela Perry, LNHA, COO was appointed Administrator of Vernon Manor, a 120-bed, family-owned post-hospital rehabilitation and long-term care facility in Vernon, Connecticut.  Under the guidance of Angela and the diligence of a very dedicated staff, Vernon Manor remained COVID-19 free for ten months into the pandemic She and the team developed a robust strategic analysis and plan to maximize protection of residents and staff.  Angela has over 12 years of experience in many aspects of skilled nursing care, including social services director and executive director/administrator with diverse populations and geographical settings between Connecticut and Georgia.  In addition to her deep connection of caring for residents in nursing homes, Angela also understands the importance of advancement and diversity of women in leadership.  She has established a professional networking company for women in healthcare administration, CODE W, to promote professional development.