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Tammy Felker, AIA, ACHA, RN, EDAC, LEED® AP BD+C

Senior Associate | Healthcare Planner | Healthcare Architect
NBBJ Architects

Tammy Felker is a Healthcare Planner and Behavioral Health Specialist at NBBJ. She is a clinician with 12 years of nursing experience and over 20 years’ experience as a healthcare architect – one of the handful of nurse-architects in the country.

The focus of her career over the past 10+ years has been behavioral health and she is widely recognized for her behavioral health expertise and often presents on the dramatic impact design can have on patient outcomes.  She has delivered healing environments for pediatric, adolescent, adult, and geriatric populations.  Tammy utilizes Lean principles and transparent communication to translate the needs of patients, staff, and stakeholders into high-performance facilities.  She introduces design elements that promote a sense of normalcy and healing while balancing patient and staff safety considerations.

From master planning to programming and planning to design, the scale of projects she has worked on ranges from renovation of a single room to a new, free-standing hospital of 450,000 sf with 172 beds and the ability to expand to 1.2M sf and 600 beds. Clients include: Overlake Medical Center, Virginia Mason Franciscan Health, University of Washington Medical Center, Seattle Children’s Hospital, and Children’s Hospital of Colorado.