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Healing spaces: Exploring therapeutic concept for breast cancer clinic

Originally Published:
Key Point Summary
Key Point Summary Author(s):
Erfani, K.
Key Concepts/Context

Research demonstrates that due to the prevalence of depressive symptoms among cancer patients, healthcare facilities (here, breast cancer clinics) can benefit from the application of healing environmental features to reduce patient stress and anxiety. This study provides healing design recommendations for breast cancer clinics in Indonesia based on the four keys of therapeutic environments: reducing/eliminating environmental stressors, providing positive distractions, enabling social support, and giving a sense of control to the patients.


This qualitative study aims to investigate and propose healing environmental features (with a focus on psychological health) in breast cancer treatment clinics in the context of Jakarta-Indonesia.


The research method employed in this study is identified by the authors as qualitative and descriptive. The researchers applied a design method based on provisions or standards for space requirements in a cancer treatment building, as specified in the Health Building Note [12] and the General Design Guidance for Healthcare Buildings in 2014 [7].

The data for the study was obtained through multiple sources, including observation, comparative study, and existing literature such as articles, books, journals, and government regulations. The researchers collected field data directly at the site on Jl. Abdul Muis, Petojo Selatan, Gambir, Central Jakarta, Indonesia. They conducted on-site observations to assess environmental conditions, site conditions, circulation, noise, and lighting. These factors served as the basis for proposing Therapeutic Environments in the design. Additionally, comparative studies were conducted by examining building functions of similar types, such as the University of Arizona Cancer Center, Kathleen Kilgour Center, and Skandion Clinic.

The analysis performed in this study focused on key aspects relevant to designing breast cancer treatment clinics. It involved space analysis, building users analysis, and site analysis. The analysis of therapeutic environments was conducted based on four key therapeutic environmental factors proposed by Smith and Watkins: Reduce/Eliminate Environmental Stressors, Provide Positive Distractions, Enable Social Support, and Give a Sense of Control [11].

Design Implications
This research demonstrated that due to the unique psychological needs of breast cancer patients for access to healing spaces, all sections of a clinic (diagnostic, chemotherapy, radiotherapy, oncology, public areas, staff areas, and service areas) can benefit from healing environmental features, e.g.., visual access to nature (as well as art and artificial views of nature), access to social support in common areas such as the lobby, and having a sense of control in treatment facilities such as the chemotherapy room.

The facilities and rooms in the clinic were re-imagined in sketches and design solutions were proposed to align with the four key factors of therapeutic environmental factors:

In public areas, such as the lobby, the aim was to create a therapeutic environment by incorporating positive distractions, reducing stressors, and enabling social support. Natural lighting, natural elements, calm sounds, and aesthetics were utilized to provide a positive experience in the environment. The MRI and radiotherapy rooms had special considerations due to equipment limitations, such as the need to avoid direct sunlight. To compensate for the absence of a natural environment, interior elements with a natural theme were incorporated. The chemotherapy room aimed to provide positive distractions by incorporating natural lighting, with the seating arrangement oriented toward windows to allow patients visual access to nature during the 7-8-hour treatment.

Overall, the incorporation of healing elements in the therapeutic environment of breast cancer clinics was recommended in this study.

  • Methodology and results: Although the authors mentioned that this study incorporated qualitative methods such as observation, they do not give any details of data collection methods and ways that the data informed the final design recommendations.
  • Culture and context: Sensitivity to the unique Indonesian context and culture of the region was completely missed while adapting the four principles of healing environments in the proposed design solutions and sketches.

And Also...

The article contains illustrations and sketches to illustrate design recommendations in detail.

Key Point Summary Author(s):
Erfani, K.
Primary Author
Sarjani, M.