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Healthcare Tipping Points: Past, Present, Future


This is an Annual, joint symposium by SMPS and AIA/AAH Tampa Bay. "Healthcare Tipping Points: Past, Present and Future" and brings together eight distinguished panelists as part of an open discussion on Healthcare Design and then wrapping up with a keynote from Don Orndoff of Kaiser Permanente. This session is moderated by Bill Hercules,  FAIA, FACHA, FACHE, CEO at WJH Health.

Prerequisite Knowledge: Intermediate knowledge of the Healthcare systems and along with basic history of Healthcare Design. 


Learning objectives:
  1. Learn how Infection Control through design has changed and will be changing to provide a safer environment. 
  2. Learn how flexibility and adaptability in design will affect the future hospital and how it could impact the profession of Architecture. 
  3. Learn how patient surveys influence future decision making on facility functional programming and operational planning and for existing and new healthcare facilities.
  4. Learn the effectiveness of having an out-of-house design firm review documents for life safety, FGI, and envelope and the importance of adaptable standards.
  5. With the payment system for healthcare shifting for fee-for-service to a performance based flat fee system learn how they expect the increased pool of covered insured to affect their demand projections and their bottom line.
  6. "Healthcare is not Free Market" Learn how the CON policies and legislation currently in place either promotes or hinders the healthcare model from progressing into the future and how the proposed legislation would affect the Panelists. 

2 CEUs


EDAC Course ID:
June 3, 2019
Class Frequency:
Lecture/Educational Session