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Advocate Lutheran General Hospital, Center for Advanced Care

October 2012
Member Project
Cannon Design

Cannon Design 

Firm's role on the project:  Planning, Programming, Architecture, Design, Interiors, and Structural Engineering


Project vision/goals

"To create a comprehensive, state-of-the-art outpatient facility that is recognized as a regional leader for patients seeking multidisciplinary cancer, imaging or breast services."  Specific project goals included providing direct access from the neighboring parking deck, addressing staff needs and operational efficiencies by clustering services, including the flexibility to accommodate future needs, and creating a patient-friendly environment.

Links to published articles on this project




  • 2007 User-Centered Symposium Distinction Award Sponsored by FacilityCare Magazine in association with the Healthcare Facilities Symposium & Expo
  • 2007 Healthcare Environment Awards Sponsored by Contract Magazine, The Center for Health Design, and Healthcare Design.07, Honorable Mention
  • 2007 Healthcare Design Magazine Architectural Showcase Citation of Merit


Additional details

The Center for Advanced Care is an addition to and renovation of the West Pavilion, an older, under-utilized building in a prime location on campus.  The existing building suffered from limited floor-to-floor heights, scarce natural light, and poor air circulation.  The design team responded by integrating old and new facilities to create an open, light-filled multidisciplinary outpatient center.

This high-volume facility needed to be visible from the campus entrance, but a parking deck blocked it from view.  By stretching the envelope of the addition, a corner of the building is now visible from the main road.

The expanded facility provides outpatient services for medical and radiation oncology, imaging (CT scanning, MRI, nuclear medicine, and general radiation), and a breast health center.  The major service lines are expressed as separate entities, each with its own entry and material identity.  Direct entrances via the adjacent parking deck protect patient privacy, yet the main circulation spine - with a light-filled, three-story atrium - creates a sense of community.  The use of a clinic module allows flexibility for changing care models and includes areas for future growth.

Native Midwestern prairies inspired the interior design, color palette, and finish materials.  Spring hues create fresh, optimistic spaces.  Continuity of natural materials throughout the building adds warmth and texture while providing a cohesive image.

This revitalization project is a change catalyst, redefining the hospital's image and setting the tone for future development.  The center's design is about optimism, transparency, and commitment to a stewardship relationship with patients and staff.  It is open and inviting.  Patient satisfaction scores went up dramatically for the new facility.