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Knowledge Repository

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The Knowledge Repository is a complete, user-friendly database of healthcare design research references that continues to grow with the latest peer-reviewed publications. Start with our Knowledge Repository for all of your searches for articles and research citations on healthcare design topics. Access full texts through the source link, read key point summaries, or watch slidecasts. Expand your search and find project briefs, interviews, and other relevant resources by visiting our Insights & Solutions page.


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Displaying 181 - 200 of 861

‘Off the Rails’: Hospital bed rail design, contamination, and the evaluation of their microbial ecology

Author(s): Boyle, M. A., Kearney, A., Carling, P., Humphreys, H.
Added June 2019

Using the health care physical environment to prevent and control infection: A Best Practice Guide to Help Health Care Organizations Create Safe, Healing Environments

Author(s): Martin, D., Dickey, L., Taylor, E., Conway, L., Myers, F., Bennett, D., Nichols, A., Wright,, P., The Association for the Health Care Environment (AHE)
Added June 2019

Mitigation of microbial contamination from waste water and aerosolization by sink design

Author(s): Cole, K., Talmadge, J. E.
Added June 2019

Beyond high-touch surfaces: Portable equipment and floors as potential sources of transmission of health care–associated pathogens

Author(s): Donskey, C. J.
Added June 2019

Efficacy of automated disinfection with ozonated water in reducing sink drainage system colonization with Pseudomonas species and Candida auris

Author(s): Livingston, S., Cadnum, J. L., Gestrich, S., Jencson, A., Donskey, C. J.
Added May 2019

A multicenter investigation to characterize the risk for pathogen transmission from healthcare facility sinks

Author(s): Gestrich, S. A., Jencson, A. L., Cadnum, J. L., Livingston, S. H., Wilson, B. M., Donskey, C. J.
Added May 2019

Hospitalization-associated disability: “She was probably able to ambulate, but I’m not sure”

Author(s): Covinsky, K. E., Pierluissi, Edgar, Johnston, C. B.
It is not uncommon for older patients who are hospitalized to acquire hospital-associated disabilities (HAD). An HAD is defined as losing the ability to complete one of the basic activities of daily living (ADL) needed to live independently without assistance: bathing, dressing, rising from bed or a chair, using the toilet, eating, or walking across a room.
Key Point Summary
Added April 2019

Copper for the Prevention of Outbreaks of Health Care–Associated Infections in a Long-term Care Facility for Older Adults

Author(s): Zerbib, S., Vallet, L., Muggeo, A., de Champs, C., Lefebvre, A., Jolly, D., Kanagaratnam, L.
Added April 2019

Hospital curtains: An undermined source of nosocomial infections

Author(s): Ghani, U., Assad, S., Sulehria, T., Arif, I.
Added April 2019

Microbial contamination of privacy curtains in the emergency department of a metropolitan hospital

Author(s): Woodard, D. R., Buttner, M., Cruz, P., Roeder, J.
Added April 2019

Rate of contamination of hospital privacy curtains in a burns/plastic ward: A longitudinal study

Author(s): Shek, K., Patidar, R., Kohja, Z., Liu, S., Gawaziuk, J. P., Gawthrop, M., Kumar, A., Logsetty, S.
Added April 2019

Controlling Legionella Pneumophila in Water Systems at Reduced Hot Water Temperatures with Copper and Silver Ionization

Author(s): Cloutman-Green, E., Barbosa, V. L., Jimenez, D., Wong, D., Dunn, H., Needham, B., Ciric, L., Hartley, J. C.
Added February 2019

Infection Prevention: Unique Aspects of Burn Units

Author(s): Palmieri, T. L.
Added February 2019

A Comparison of the Efficacy of Multiple Ultraviolet Light Room Decontamination Devices in a Radiology Procedure Room

Author(s): Cadnum, J. L., Jencson, A. L., Gestrich, S. A., Livingston, S. H., Karaman, Boris A., Benner, K. J., Wilson, B. M., Donskey, C. J.
Added February 2019

Effectiveness of Antimicrobial Hospital Curtains on Reducing Bacterial Contamination—A Multicenter Study

Author(s): Luk, S., Chow, V. C. Y., Yu, K. C. H., Hsu, E. K., Tsang, Ngai Chong, Chuang, V. W. M., Lai, C. K. C., Hui, M., Lee, R. A., Lai, W. M., Que, T. L., Fung, S. C., To, W. K., Cheng, V. C. C., Wong, A. T. Y.
Added January 2019

Prevention of Healthcare-Associated Invasive Aspergillosis during Hospital Construction/Renovation Works

Author(s): Talento, A. F., Fitzgerald, M., Redington, B., O’Sullivan, N., Fenelon, L., Rogers, T. R.
Added January 2019

Tracking and controlling soft surface contamination in health care settings

Author(s): Sexton, J. D., Wilson, A. M., Sassi, H. P., Reynolds, K. A.
Added December 2018

The experience of person-centred practice in a 100% single-room environment in acute care settings – a narrative literature review

Author(s): Kelly, R., Brown, D., McCance, T., Boomer, C.
The increasing number of single-patient rooms in healthcare facilities around the world indicates a heightened focus on person-centered practice (PcP). This practice considers how the workflows and physical designs within healthcare environments influence the overall experiences of patients and staff alike.
Key Point Summary
Added December 2018

The influence of spatial configuration on the frequency of use of hand sanitizing stations in health care environments

Author(s): Neo, J. R. J., Zadeh, R.
Healthcare-associated infections (HAIs) affect over 1.7 million people each year, and subsequently cost the U.S. economy approximately $8.2 billion each year. Hand hygiene compliance (HHC), which involves washing hands thoroughly with alcohol-based rubs or soap and water, is widely regarded as a major prevention measure against the transmission of pathogens that cause HAIs.
Key Point Summary
Added December 2018

Human factors considerations in designing for infection prevention and control in neonatal care – findings from a pre-design inquiry

Author(s): Trudel, C., Cobb, S., Momtahan, K., Brintnell, J., Mitchell, A.
As healthcare environments are being more frequently redesigned to improve patient experiences and provider operations, it becomes increasingly important that healthcare providers themselves understand how these new designs are intended to be utilized. Giving healthcare providers a deeper understanding of the functions and purposes underlying important healthcare design decisions could help reduce potential operational errors or staff frustrations.
Key Point Summary
Added December 2018