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Displaying 41 - 60 of 171

Perspectives on the Role and Synergies of Architecture and Social and Built Environment in Enabling Active Healthy Aging

Author(s): Chrysikou, E., Rabnett, R., Tziraki, C.
Added September 2016

The impact of facility relocation on patients' perceptions of ward atmosphere and quality of received forensic psychiatric care

Author(s): Alexiou, E., Degl' Innocenti, A., Kullgren, A., Wijk, H.
Added July 2016

The ability of environmental healthcare design strategies to impact event related anxiety in pediatric patients: A comprehensive systematic review

Author(s): Norton-Westwood, D.
Healthcare settings such as hospitals or dentists’ offices have been known to contribute to the anxiety often experienced by patients receiving treatment. Anxiety has been linked to various health concerns, manifesting both physiologically and psychologically, that can result in prolonged hospital stays and other complications.
Key Point Summary
Added June 2016

Effects of an Assisted Living Facility Specifically Designed for Individuals with Memory Disorders: A Pilot Study

Author(s): Springate, B. A., Talwar, A. K., Tremont, G.
A 2007 study estimated that 14% of individuals over the age of 71 have dementia, and many of those individuals require some level of support with daily life. Furthermore, many of these individuals eventually move to assisted living (AL) facilities or nursing homes as they begin to require more assistance. Many people choose AL facilities due to pricing or the desire to be assisted rather than nursed. Previous studies have indicated that the physical environment of nursing homes can influence the overall well-being of residents with dementia. However, relatively few studies have assessed the effects of AL facility environments on the well-being of dementia patients.
Key Point Summary
Added June 2016

Impact of Neonatal Intensive Care Bed Configuration on Rates of Late-Onset Bacterial Sepsis and Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus Colonization

Author(s): Julian, S., Burnham, C.-A., Sellenriek, P., Shannon, W. D., Hamvas, A., Tarr, P. I., Warner, B. B.
Late-onset infections are a continuing issue, causing notable levels of morbidity and mortality in neonatal intensive care units (NICUs), while also increasing the length of patient stay and financial burdens on healthcare institutions. Few previous studies have tested the hypothesis that infants in single-patient rooms have a lower risk of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) colonization, late-onset sepsis, and death.
Key Point Summary
Added June 2016

Design in mind: eliciting service user and frontline staff perspectives on psychiatric ward design through participatory methods

Author(s): Csipke, E., Papoulias, C., Vitoratou, S., Williams, P., Rose, D., Wykes, T.
Previous studies have shown repeatedly that the physical design of psychiatric wards has a significant impact on patient recovery and well-being. It has also been found that staff and patients often express conflicting expectations regarding the design of psychiatric wards. Therefore, it is important to better understand different stakeholder perceptions of the same environment so that the most effective design decisions can be made. One possible way of doing this would be using the “SURE model,” which is a participatory method involving collaborations with service users during all stages of the study.
Key Point Summary
Added June 2016

Meeting the Needs of Visually Impaired People Living in Lifetime Homes

Author(s): Rooney, C., Hadjri, K., Rooney, M., Faith, V., McAllister, K., Craig, C.
Lifetime Homes standards (LTHS) are a group of mandatory public-sector housing design interventions used in the U.K. They attempt to provide a model that ensures adaptable and accessible homes for the entire duration of an occupant’s stay. Changes in one’s physical environment, much like the ones implemented by LTHS, could help reduce the impact of disabilities such as visual impairment, and could help give patients different degrees of communal living with some level of independence.
Key Point Summary
Added May 2016

Impact of the Physical Environment of Residential Health, Care, and Support Facilities (RHCSF) on Staff and Residents A Systematic Review of the Literature

Author(s): Joseph, A., Choi, Y.-S., Quan, X.
Strategies related to the design of the built environment should be considered within the context of the culture of the organization and the resident population. This study of the physical environment of residential health, care, and support facilities addresses the range of settings and population, where other studies have been lacking. The literature review strongly suggests that the built environment is an important component of care provided in residential care settings.
Key Point Summary
Added May 2016

Profile of inpatient falls in patients with dementia: A prospective comparative study between 100% single rooms and traditional multibedded wards

Author(s): Knight, S., Singh, I.
A previous study estimates that the number of people with dementia in the U.K. could reach over 1 million by the year 2025. This possibility places added pressure on U.K. hospitals to develop safer methods for taking care of patients with dementia. Dementia is associated with impaired mobility, and previous studies have shown that individuals with dementia are two to three times more likely to fall. Inpatient falls (IFs) account for nearly two-fifths of the patient safety incidents reported to the National Reporting and Learning System, and the risk of IF is highest in single-patient rooms. There are very few studies that examine the impact of dementia and IF in single rooms as compared with traditional multi-bed wards.
Key Point Summary
Added May 2016

The design and initial evaluation of visual cues in carpets to assist walking

Author(s): McNeil, S. J., Tapp, L. S.
One way to reduce the occurrence of indoor falls for both elderly people and other individuals is to improve the design of floor coverings so that they can help create a safer walking environment. A growing number of studies are showing that the design of products such as carpets can specifically help older people lead more productive and independent lives by empowering them through safer opportunities for mobility.
Key Point Summary
Added May 2016

Can Hospital Form Trigger Fear Response?

Author(s): Pati, D., O’Boyle, M., Hou, J., Nanda, U., Ghamari, H.
Added April 2016

Identifying Challenging Job and Environmental Demands of Older Nurses Within the National Health Service

Author(s): Durosaiye, I. O., Hadjri, K., Liyanage, C. L.
Added April 2016

Lighting and Nurses at Medical–Surgical Units: Impact of Lighting Conditions on Nurses’ Performance and Satisfaction

Author(s): Hadi, K., DuBose, J. R., Ryherd, E.
Added April 2016

Making the Case for Evidence-Based Design in Healthcare: A Descriptive Case Study of Organizational Decision Making

Author(s): Shoemaker, L.K., Kazley, A.S., White, A.
It is reported that an approximately 98,000 people die each year in the United States as a result of medical errors (IOM, 1999). This is unacceptable in a country that prides itself on the best medical institutions and access to the highest-end technology. It is believed that the need to renew currently standing hospitals is due to a combination of aging buildings, aging populations, and introduction of new technologies (Ulrich, 2004). This has led to a large patient safety movement and the largest hospital construction boom in U.S. history (Jones, 2004).
Key Point Summary
Added January 2016

Sleep in Hospitalized Elders: A Pilot Study

Author(s): Missildine, K., Bergstrom, N., Meininger, J., Richards, K. & Foreman, M. D.
Sleep complaints are common among elders at home and in the hospital. These complaints include insomnia, difficulty falling sleep, and difficulty maintaining sleep, yet adequate sleep is commonly considered a necessary prerequisite to healing and recovery from illness.
Key Point Summary
Added January 2016

Eye Masks and Earplugs Improve Patient’s Perception of Sleep

Author(s): Jones, C. & Dawson, D.
Sleep disruption is commonly identified as a feature of admission to critical care units. The environment, level of intervention, and patient morbidity are understood to influence patients’ poor experiences of sleep in critical care. This study discusses the impact of the built environment on Intensive Care Unit (ICU) patients’ sleep.
Key Point Summary
Added January 2016

Delusions and Underlying Needs in Older Adults with Alzheimer’s Disease

Author(s): Wang, J., Cheng, W., Lai, P., & Pai, M.
The purpose of this study was to understand the influences of earlier life experiences and the current environment on delusions, as well as the underlying needs of individuals with Alzheimer’s disease (AD) experiencing delusions.
Key Point Summary
Added January 2016

Designing a “Think-Along Dwelling” for People with Dementia: A Co-Creation Project Between Health Care and the Building Services Sector

Author(s): Van Hoof, J., Blom, M. M., Post, H. N. A., & Bastein, W. L
Many of the elderly prefer to age-in-place. However, if one of the elderly developments dementia, particular challenges may be posed when designing, constructing, or retrofitting an existing home environment. In the Netherlands about two-thirds of the people with dementia live at home. This is the setting for this study.
Key Point Summary
Added January 2016

The Impact of Bedside Technology on Patients’ Well-Being

Author(s): Tanja-Dijkstra K.
The presence of wires, tubes, and monitors near the bedside may contribute to patients’ stress and anxiety. One of the trends in healthcare design is to organize the headwalls of patient rooms in such a way as to reduce clutter and minimize the visibility of medical equipment.
Key Point Summary
Added January 2016

Multisensory Installations in Residential Aged-Care Facilities: Increasing Novelty and Encouraging Social Engagement Through Modest Environmental Changes

Author(s): Scott, T. L., Masser, B. M., & Pachana, N. A.
When the environment of aged-care facilities is perceived as more aesthetically pleasing, it is positively related to improved mood and well-being for residents and staff. Unfortunately, most residential care environments for the elderly are planned around their physical needs.
Key Point Summary
Added January 2016