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Displaying 3621 - 3640 of 6267

Detecting potential pathogens on hospital surfaces: An assessment of carpet tile flooring in the hospital patient environment

Author(s): Harris, D. D., Pacheco, A., Lindner, A. S.
Several studies demonstrate a connection between the hospital environment and hospital-acquired infections (HAIs). The bacterial pathogens more frequently associated with HAIs include Clostridium difficile (C. difficile), Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), and Vancomycin-resistant enterococci (VRE).
Key Point Summary
Added September 2014

Hospital cleaning in the 21st century

Author(s): Dancer, S. J.
Added September 2014

Enhancing the assessment of tangible service quality through the creation of a cleanliness measurement scale

Author(s): Barber, N., Scarcelli, J. M.
Added September 2014

Cleanliness audit of clinical surfaces and equipment: who cleans what?

Author(s): Anderson, R.E., Young, V., Stewart, M., Robertson, C., Dancer, S. J.
Added September 2014

An exploratory study into the factors that influence patients' perceptions of cleanliness in an acute NHS trust hospital

Author(s): Whitehead, H., May, D., Agahi, H.
Added September 2014

Environmental cleaning in UK healthcare since the NHS Plan: A policy and evidence based context

Author(s): May, D., Pitt, M.
Added September 2014

A Mixed-Methods Analysis of Patient Reviews of Hospital Care in England: Implications for Public Reporting of Health Care Quality Data in the United States

Author(s): Lagu, T., Goff, S. L., Hannon, N. S., Shatz, A., Lindenauer, P. K.
Added September 2014

Bioaerosol deposition in single and two-bed hospital rooms: A numerical andexperimental study

Author(s): King, M.-F., Noakes, C. J., Sleigh, P. A., Camargo-Valero, M. A.
Added September 2014

Satisfaction with the emergency department environment decreases with length of stay

Author(s): Walsh, M., Knott, J. C.
Added September 2014

Link between patients' perceptions of their acute care hospital experience and institutions' injurious fall rates

Author(s): Tzeng, H. M., Hu, H. M., Yin, C. Y., Johnson, D.
Added September 2014

The relationship between patients' perception of care and measures of hospital quality and safety

Author(s): Isaac, T., Zaslavsky, A. M., Cleary, P. D., Landon, B. E.
Patient experience in hospitals is measured using the Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems (HCAHPS) survey. Administered to medical, surgical, and obstetric patients, this survey measures nine aspects of care quality.
Key Point Summary
Added September 2014

Does hospital cleanliness correlate with methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus bacteraemia rates?

Author(s): Green, D., Wigglesworth, N., Keegan, T., Wilcox, M. H.
Added September 2014

The antimicrobial efficacy of copper alloy furnishing in the clinical environment: a crossover study

Author(s): Karpanen, T. J., Casey, A. L., Lambert, P. A., Cookson, B. D., Nightingale, P., Miruszenko, L., Elliott, T. S.
Environmental hygiene has been regarded as one of the key areas in the prevention of HCAIs (healthcare associated infections) in hospital and acute care settings. Copper and its alloys have recently been considered for use in the healthcare environment as an antimicrobial surface material, and in 2008, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency approved the registration of copper and its alloys as antimicrobial materials. The main aim of this study was to determine whether copper incorporated into hospital ward furnishings and equipment can reduce their surface microbial load.
Key Point Summary
Added September 2014

Impact of hydrogen peroxide vapor room decontamination on Clostridium difficile environmental contamination and transmission in a healthcare setting

Author(s): Boyce, J. M., Havill, N. L., Otter, J. A., McDonald, L. C., Adams, N. M., Cooper, T., Thompson, A., Wiggs, L., Killgore, G., Tauman, A., Noble-Wang, J.
Added September 2014

Patients' perceptions of hospital cleanliness are correlated with rates of meticillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus bacteraemia

Author(s): Edgcumbe, D. P.
Added September 2014

Hospital-Acquired Conditions After Orthopedic Surgery Do Not Affect Patient Satisfaction Scores

Author(s): Day, M. S., Hutzler, L. H., Karia, R., Vangsness, K., Setia, N., Bosco, J. A., 3rd
Added September 2014

Environmental cleaning intervention and risk of acquiring multidrug-resistant organisms from prior room occupants

Author(s): Datta, R., Platt, R., Yokoe, D. S., Huang, S. S.
Added September 2014

The role played by contaminated surfaces in the transmission of nosocomial pathogens

Author(s): Otter, J. A., Yezli, S., French, G. L.
Added September 2014

Role of hospital surfaces in the transmission of emerging health care-associated pathogens: Norovirus, Clostridium difficile, and Acinetobacter species

Author(s): Weber, D. J., Rutala, W. A., Miller, M. B., Huslage, K., Sickbert-Bennett, E.
Added September 2014

Hospital outpatient perceptions of the physical environment of waiting areas: the role of patient characteristics on atmospherics in one academic medical center

Author(s): Tsai, C. Y., Wang, M. C., Liao, W. T., Lu, J. H., Sun, P. H., Lin, B. Y., Breen, G. M.
Added September 2014