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Displaying 361 - 380 of 586

Access and care issues in urban urgent care clinic patients

Author(s): Scott, D. , Batal, H. , Majeres, S, Adams, J. , Dale, R. , Mehler, P.
Patients generally seek care in urgent care settings because doing so is more convenient than alternative care options, and the care provided is timelier.
Key Point Summary
Added February 2014

Empowering staff nurses to use research to change practice for safe patient handling

Author(s): Krill, C., Staffileno, B.A. , Raven, C.
Nursing is one of the top 10 occupations for work-related musculoskeletal disorders, often stemming from patient handling, which is unpredictable and performed in awkward positions and unfavorable conditions. The authors of this paper created a safe patient handling or ergonomic program that combines patient-handling equipment and devices, education, patient care ergonomic assessment protocols, no-lift policies, and patient-lift teams.
Key Point Summary
Added January 2014

Falls Aren't Us: State of the Science

Author(s): Cozart, H. T., Cesario, S. K.
Falls among the elderly can cause serious injury and sometimes even be fatal. However, in healthcare settings, many of these accidents can be avoided with fall-prevention interventions. The ninth goal of The Joint Commission is environmental intervention and addresses safety features such as patients’ introduction to hospital surroundings, appropriate lighting and noise reduction, call alarms, as well as reachable and available grab rails.
Key Point Summary
Added January 2014

Performance Obstacles of Intensive Care Nurses

Author(s): Gurses, A. P., Carayon, P.
There is little research about how the work environment of intensive care nurses impacts nursing outcomes and patient safety. Yet performance obstacles hinder intensive care nurses’ ability to perform their jobs.
Key Point Summary
Added January 2014

The Extrinsic Risk Factors for Inpatient Falls in Hospital Patient Rooms

Author(s): Tzeng, H., Yin, C.
A hospital can be a dangerous place for inpatients because of its unfamiliar physical environment and changes in patients’ medical conditions. Some research shows that a better physical facility design leads to better healthcare outcomes, such as fewer patient falls in acute-care hospitals. Eliminating the extrinsic risk factors for inpatient falls by improving hospital environment and design may decrease fall rates and fall-related injuries, although this link has not been examined systematically.
Key Point Summary
Added January 2014

Interruptions and Geographic Challenges to Nurses' Cognitive Workload

Author(s): Redding, D., Robinson, S.
Inpatient care is fast-paced and requires nurses to constantly shift their attention to make clinical decisions and care for patients in a constantly environment. Nurses integrate complex thinking with psychomotor and affective skills to deliver interventions. This thinking is continually disrupted by interruptions and distractions, which compete for their attention and can lead to errors or omissions and potentially pose a risk to patient safety.
Key Point Summary
Added January 2014

Impact of Medication Storage Cabinets on Efficient Delivery of Medication and Employee Frustration

Author(s): Hull, T., Czirr, L. , Wilson, M.
Safe medication administration is essential to ensuring positive patient outcomes and is a priority in healthcare institutions. Recent innovations in technology and automation are designed to eliminate errors as well as move activities closer to the patient’s bedside to improve nursing workflow. It has been postulated that moving medications and supplies closer to the point of care reduces nurses’ traveling time and makes it easier to administer medication.
Key Point Summary
Added January 2014

Person-Environment Interactions Contributing to Nursing Home Resident Falls

Author(s): Hill, E. E., Nguyen, T. H., Shaha, M., Wenzel, J. A., DeForge, B. R., Spellbring, A. M.
Falls are common for older adults, with significant consequences, including injuries and even death as well as healthcare costs. However, few studies have looked at environmental factors, such as lighting, equipment, and slippery floor surfaces, as potential risk factors for falls by nursing home residents. This study explores the risk factors associated with resident falls in a nursing home using a focus group.
Key Point Summary
Added January 2014

Noise in the Operating Room—What Do We Know? A Review of the Literature

Author(s): Hasfeldt, D., Laerkner, E., Birkelund, R.
Noise is a general stressor and should be avoided in the operating room (OR). However, over the last 10 years, while the focus has been on preventing air pollution and maximizing sterility in the OR, very little attention has gone toward preventing noise pollution. Meanwhile, there is more and more noisy technological equipment in the OR, and it can be assumed that problems with noise in the OR have not decreased.
Key Point Summary
Added January 2014

Assessing the mirrors in long-term care homes: a preliminary survey

Author(s): Freysteinson, W. M.
According to geriatric environmental design literature, bringing the home to the long-term care (LTC) environment is key to residents’ comfort. However, the mirror is one environmental element that has received little attention in LTC environments, and yet appears to meet this conceptualization. Mirrors may fit with Lawton’s theory in that it functions to maintain, support, and stimulate the residents, perhaps even more so for those who have limited mobility.
Key Point Summary
Added January 2014

Medication Room Madness: Calming the Chaos

Author(s): Conrad, C., Fields, W., McNamara, T., Cone, M., Atkins, P.
This article describes a medication safety project that wanted to improve the physical design and organizational layout of the medication room, reduce nurse interruptions and distractions, and create a standard medication process for enhanced patient safety and efficiency. This successful change improved the medication administration process, decreased medication errors, and enhanced nursing satisfaction.
Key Point Summary
Added December 2013

Improving patient safety in inpatient units--A Canadian Context

Author(s): Cochrane, P., Nishimura, J., Spencer, G., Taylor, E.
Added April 2013

Pebbles Aim For Hospitals That Are Cleaner, Greener, And Safer

Author(s): Keller, A., Zensius, N.
Added March 2013

Antimicrobial drug use and infection control practices associated with the prevalence of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus in European hospitals

Author(s): MacKenzie, F. M., Bruce, J., Struelens, M. J., Goossens, H., Mollison, J., Gould, I. M.
Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) is a type of bacteria that are resistant to antibiotics such as methicillin and cephalosporins. MRSA may cause serious infections to patients with open wounds, invasive devices, and weakened immune systems, which are in some cases extremely difficult to treat. In recent years, the rate of MRSA infections has been increasing globally and causing high morbidity, mortality, and healthcare cost.
Key Point Summary
Added October 2012

Effects of different interior decorations in the seclusion area of a psychiatric acute ward

Author(s): Vaaler, A.E., Morken, G., Linaker, O.M.
Seclusion, or containment of a patient in an enclosed area, is a common practice in psychiatric acute wards. Traditionally such areas have been used for the dual purpose of meeting the safety and containment needs of behaviorally disturbed patients, and obtaining a decrease in sensory and emotional input (based on the belief that external stimuli would cause patients to suffer excessive mental anxiety). The design and furnishings of the seclusion area are influenced by this need to reduce external stimuli and maintain safety. They are typically sparsely furnished minimizing risk of any physical harm.
Key Point Summary
Added October 2012

The effect of bedrails on falls and injury: a systematic review of clinical studies

Author(s): Healey, F., Oliver, D. , Milne, A., Connelly, J.B.
Falls and injury are a significant concern in healthcare and are linked to the never events. Around 1/4th of the falls in healthcare settings are from the bed. However, the literature on the role of bedrails in fall prevention is controversial and the prevailing opinion is that bedrails can be harmful and ineffective.
Key Point Summary
Added October 2012

Distraction therapy with nature sights and sounds reduces pain during flexible bronchoscopy: A complementary approach to routine analgesia

Author(s): Diette, G.B., Lechtzin, N, Haponik, E, Devrotes, A, Rubin, H
The demand for better healthcare includes the demand for proper treatment of pain. Joint commission standards for maintaining accreditation also apply to chronic medical conditions and the management of pain. Non-pharmacological methods of managing pain have gained popularity because patients can continue to experience pain despite the use of premedication analgesics and sedatives. Besides there are often side-effects associated with any use of medication. This is of particular concern for invasive procedures such as Flexible Bronchoscopy (FB) that can be frightening and painful for patients.
Key Point Summary
Added October 2012

The ventilation of multiple-bed hospital wards: Review and analysis

Author(s): Beggs, C.B., Kevin, G., Noakes, C.J., Hathway, A., Andrewsleigh, P.
Ventilation is a key concern in hospitals, however this has received less attention in the context of hospital wards, as compared to operating theaters or isolation rooms which have a high risk of infections. In many countries in the world where private rooms are not yet the norm, the issue of ventilation in multi-bed rooms is a critical concern. This paper undertakes a review of guidelines in the UK and the US around this issue.
Key Point Summary
Added October 2012

A comparison of patient and staff satisfaction with services after relocating to a new purpose-built mental health facility

Author(s): Cleary, M., Hunt, G., Walter, G.
The physical environment of a hospital can support recovery from mental illness. Mental health patients are extremely vulnerable to changes in their environments. The paper reports on the impact on patients and staff of a relocation of Australia’s oldest and largest psychiatric hospitals, Sydney’s Rozelle Hospital. The new 174-bed purpose-built meant health facility provided patients with their own rooms within single story units. Further, patients were grouped in wards based on the phase of their illness and required treatment.
Key Point Summary
Added October 2012

Effect of Sacred Space Environment on Surgical Patient Outcomes: A Pilot Study

Author(s): Schmock, B. N., Breckenridge, D. M., Benedict, K.
With the growing trend to patient-centered care, nurses are often tasked to evaluate how care is delivered. The perioperative environment is highly technical in nature and is often perceived as cold, while creating a sense of fear in patients. This study's purpose was to create an alternative healing environment (termed a sacred space and comprised of both environmental and nurse behavioral factors) compared to the traditional environment for surgical patients in the operating room (OR).
Key Point Summary
Added October 2012