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Displaying 221 - 240 of 348

Factors influencing sleep for parents of critically ill hospitalized children: A qualitative analysis

Author(s): Stremler, R., Dhukai, Z., Wong, L., Parshuram, C.
Given the shift in pediatric hospitals toward family-centered care, many parents spend the night with their hospitalized child. For parents who are already challenged by their child’s health condition, sleep is important to sustain their physical and emotional health and their strength to cope with the illness event, support their child and other family members, participate in decision-making, and maintain relationships. A number of factors may affect quality and quantity of sleep for parents while their child is hospitalized, but these remain unexplored in the literature.
Key Point Summary
Added January 2014

The Work of Adult and Pediatric Intensive Care Unit Nurses

Author(s): Douglas,. S., Cartmill, T., Brown, R., Hoonakker, P., Slagle, J., Van Roy, K. S, Walker, J, M.
Over the years, researchers have employed a variety of methods to describe and quantify nursing work. However, much of this research looked at nursing in general care settings and not at the unique work nurses perform in intensive care units (ICUs). This study uses behavioral task analysis to observe activities performed by adult ICU (AICU) and pediatric ICU (PICU) nurses as well as to compare the time they spent on various tasks across four different ICUs.
Key Point Summary
Added January 2014

Medication Room Madness: Calming the Chaos

Author(s): Conrad, C., Fields, W., McNamara, T., Cone, M., Atkins, P.
This article describes a medication safety project that wanted to improve the physical design and organizational layout of the medication room, reduce nurse interruptions and distractions, and create a standard medication process for enhanced patient safety and efficiency. This successful change improved the medication administration process, decreased medication errors, and enhanced nursing satisfaction.
Key Point Summary
Added December 2013

Do absorption and realistic distraction influence performance of component task surgical procedure?

Author(s): Pluyter, J. R., Buzink, S. N., Rutkowski, A. F., Jakimowicz, J. J.
Surgeons’ ability of focusing their attention on surgical tasks directly impacts their performance on surgical operations, which is an important factor influencing quality of care, work efficiency, patient satisfaction, and many other healthcare outcomes. Attention or concentration is more important for performing minimal invasive surgeries which involve complex technologies and put high physical and cognitive demands on surgeons.
Key Point Summary
Added November 2012

Direct cellular vs. indirect pager communication during orthopaedic surgical procedures: A prospective study

Author(s): Ortega, G. R., Taksali, S., Smart, R., Baumgaertner, M. R.
Staff-to-staff communication is critical to quality and efficient healthcare. Physicians, nurses, and other healthcare workers all use various methods of communication in their daily work. Difficulties in staff communication often lead to interruptions and delays in patient care, variation in response time, medical errors, violation of privacy, and dissatisfaction in patient and staff.
Key Point Summary
Added October 2012

Effect of ultraviolet germicidal lights installed in office ventilation systems on workers' health and well-being: Double-blind, multiple crossover trial

Author(s): Menzies, D., Popa, J., Hanley, J.A., Rand, T., Milton, D. K.
Most commercial buildings in North America are mechanically ventilated with sealed exterior shells. In this type of highly automatically controlled indoor environment, microbial contamination of the HVAC system often contributes to building-related illness and symptoms in building occupants, such as outbreaks of rhinitis, humidifier fever, asthma, hypersensitivity problems, and so on. Contamination of bacteria, fungi, and protozoa has been found on various parts of HVAC systems such as air cooling units, cooling coils, and drip pans.
Key Point Summary
Added October 2012

Predesign and Post-occupancy Analysis of Staff Behavior in a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit

Author(s): Shepley, M.M.
Advances in technology have resulted in an increase in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) population; allowing care for newborn babies who might have died in the absence of advanced medical care. The design of NICUs has therefore become an important concern in healthcare, and an ongoing debate is the merit of open bays over closed bays. s. Changes in design have a direct impact on staff experience, and potentially staff behavior, which in turn can impact patient care.
Key Point Summary
Added October 2012

Factors Determining Inpatient Satisfaction With Care

Author(s): Thi, P. L.N. , Briancon,S., Empereur, F., Guillemin, F.
With the growing interest in patient-centered care, patient evaluations of their own experiences have been increasingly used to improve the quality of care. Factors associated with satisfaction are thought to include the structure, process and outcome of care as well as patient sociodemographic, physical and psychological status, and attitudes and expectations concerning medical care.
Key Point Summary
Added October 2012

Residential Healthcare Facilities 2014 Guidelines Revision Project: Resident Room

Added October 2012

First, Do No Harm

Author(s): Cohen, G.
Added October 2012

Lighting technologies: a guide to energy-efficient illumination

Author(s): EPA
Added October 2012

Facility energy survey

Author(s): Rothbauer, S.J.
Added October 2012

Millennium Mega-Trends

Author(s): Coile Jr, R.C.
Added October 2012

ICU visiting policies

Author(s): Youngner, S.J., Coulton, C., Welton, R., Juknialis, B., Jackson, D.L.
Added October 2012

The impact of hospital-acquired bloodstream infections

Author(s): Wenzel, R.P., Edmond, M.B.
Added October 2012

Technology available in nursing programs: implications for developing virtual end-of-life educational tools

Author(s): Wells, M.J., Wilkie, D.J., Brown, M.A., Corless, I.B., Farber, S.J., Judge, M.K., Shannon, S.E.
Added October 2012

Integration of Technology and Facility Design: Implications for Nursing Administration

Author(s): Watson, C.A.
Added October 2012

Advances in solar buildings.

Author(s): Walker, A.R., D; Bilo, S; Kutscher, C; Burch, J; Balcomb, D; Judkoff, R; Warner, C; King, R J; Eiffert, P
Added October 2012

Residents' suggestions for reducing errors in teaching hospitals.

Author(s): Volpp, K.G.M., Grande, D.
Added October 2012

The Introduction of Computerized Physician Order Entry and Change Management in a Tertiary Pediatric Hospital

Author(s): Upperman, J., Staley, P., Friend, K., Benes, J., Dailey, J., Neches, W., Wiener, E.
Added October 2012