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Displaying 221 - 240 of 588

Higher Quality of Care and Patient Safety Associated With Better NICU Work Environments

Author(s): Lake, E. T., Hallowell, S. G., Kutney-Lee, A., Hatfield, L. A., Del Guidice, M., Boxer, B. A., Ellis, L. N., Verica, L., Aiken, L. H.
Infants undergoing treatment in neonatal intensive care units or NICUs are among those patients who are most susceptible to negative outcomes pertaining to quality and safety. The authors note that the central catheters, which are so crucial to a neonate, are often the source for nosocomial infections.
Key Point Summary
Added November 2015

Physical Design Correlates of Efficiency and Safety in Emergency Departments: A Qualitative Examination

Author(s): Pati, D., Harvey, T. E., Pati, S.
The objective of this study was to explore and identify physical design correlates of safety and efficiency in emergency department (ED) operations. This study adopted an exploratory, multimeasure approach to (1) examine the interactions between ED operations and physical design at 4 sites and (2) identify domains of physical design decision-making that potentially influence efficiency and safety. Multidisciplinary gaming and semistructured interviews were conducted with stakeholders at each site.
Key Point Summary
Added November 2015

Testing a Tool to Support Safety in Healthcare Facility Design

Author(s): Taylor, E., Quan, X., Joseph, A.
Added October 2015

Impact of the physical environment of psychiatric wards on the use of seclusion

Author(s): van der Schaaf, P. S., Dusseldorp, E., Keuning, F. M., Janssen, W. A., Noorthoorn, E. O.
Disturbed behavior and patient aggression within psychiatric wards can threaten both patient and staff safety. To manage these patients, psychiatric wards often will use coercive measures such as solitary confinement. Patient aggression arises from a complex interaction between patient characteristics, staff characteristics, and the characteristics of the physical environment of the psychiatric ward itself. Most studies have focused on the dynamics between patient and staff characteristics; little research has been done to investigate how the physical environment of psychiatric wards might influence patient aggression and subsequently the use of coercive measures.
Key Point Summary
Added October 2015

Outdoor Environments at Three Nursing Homes: Semantic Environmental Descriptions

Author(s): Bengtsson, A., Hägerhäll, C., Englund, J.-E., Grahn, P.
The authors call attention to research that indicates the importance of outdoor environments to the lives of elderly people in nursing homes. Nursing homes vary in terms of outdoor environments – from none to very elaborate establishments, with no evidence as to whether these meet the needs and desires of their users.
Key Point Summary
Added October 2015

One size fits all? Mixed methods evaluation of the impact of 100% single-room accommodation on staff and patient experience, safety and costs

Author(s): Maben, J., Griffiths, P., Penfold, C., Simon, M, Anderson, J. E., Robert, G., Pizzo, E., Hughes, J., Murrells, T., Barlow, J.
Authors indicate that despite the trend to adopt single-patient rooms, there is a dearth of strong evidence regarding its effect on healthcare quality and safety. When a hospital in England moved to a new building with 100% single rooms, a before-and-after move study was conducted on patient and staff experience, safety outcomes, and cost analysis. The study found that over two-thirds of the patients and one-fifth of the staff preferred single rooms.
Key Point Summary
Added September 2015

Post-Occupancy Evaluation of Negative-Pressure Isolation Rooms: Using the Balanced Scorecard Framework

Author(s): Wang, C.-H., Kuo, N.-W.
To combat the spread of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) following an epidemic outbreak in Taiwan in early 2003, all hospitals were mandated by health authorities to convert their patient rooms into negative pressure isolation rooms. The authors believe that it is necessary to evaluate these rooms to ensure that they are functioning effectively.
Key Point Summary
Added September 2015

Evidence-Based and Value-Based Decision Making About Healthcare Design: An Economic Evaluation of the Safety and Quality Outcomes

Author(s): Zadeh, R. S., Sadatsafavi, H., Xue, R.
Added September 2015

Fall prevention and bathroom safety in the epilepsy monitoring unit

Author(s): Spritzer, S. D., Riordan, K. C., Berry, J., Corbett, B. M., Gerke, J. K., Hoerth, M. T., Crepeau, A. Z., Drazkowski, J. F., Sirven, J. I., Noe, K. H.
Injury-inducing falls are one of the most common harmful events that occur in epilepsy monitoring units (EMUs). Considering the risk provoked by epileptic symptoms such as spontaneous seizures, patients admitted to EMUs may be more likely to sustain falling injuries over patients in other areas of the hospital.
Key Point Summary
Added September 2015

Design of the environment of care for safety of patients and personnel: Does form follow function or vice versa in the intensive care unit?

Author(s): Bartley, J., Streifel, A. J.
Added September 2015

Exploring Safety and Quality In a Hemodialysis Environment With Participatory Photographic Methods: A Restorative Approach.

Author(s): Marck, P., Molzahn, A., Berry-Hauf, R., Hutchings, L. G., Hughes, S.
The authors indicate that hemodialysis units can be fraught with numerous safety issues related to medication errors, lapses in communication, patient falls, equipment issues, infection control, etc. These issues can be critical in high-acuity units. This study used qualitative methods to identify existing and potential safety issues in a hemodialysis unit in a tertiary care hospital in Canada.
Key Point Summary
Added September 2015

Exploring Perceptions of Designers and Medical Staff in South Korea about Design Elements for the Elder-Friendly Hospital

Author(s): Kim, D., Lee, J. H., Ha, M.
The elderly population is growing around the world and so is the geriatric patient population. The authors indicate that despite the fact that the elderly will soon be the primary users of healthcare services, healthcare facilities are not designed for the elderly. In this study, designers and medical staff were asked to rate the importance of 33 design elements in the context of an elder-friendly hospital.
Key Point Summary
Added August 2015

From “Baby Barn” to the “Single Family Room Designed NICU”: A Report of Staff Perceptions One Year Post Occupancy

Author(s): Cone, S. K., Short, S., Gutcher, G.
Single Family Rooms (SFRs) are becoming an increasingly popular design model in the care of critically ill preterm infants. The advantages of this physical environment to the infant, family and care providers is well documented.
Key Point Summary
Added July 2015

Use of Simulation to Test Systems and Prepare Staff for a New Hospital Transition.

Author(s): Adler, M. D., Mobley, B. L., Eppich, W. J., Lappe, M., Green, M., Mangold, Karen
Added June 2015

Applying lean principles to the design of healthcare facilities

Author(s): Hicks, C., McGovern, T., Prior, G., Smith, I.
Hospitals are complex environments that require multiple stakeholder perspectives to successfully design, build, and operate. Planning the construction of a new healthcare facility involves considering how priorities and resources must adapt as needed while multiple workflows, materials, perspectives, and outcomes intersect on a daily basis.
Key Point Summary
Added June 2015

A life-cycle cost analysis for flooring materials for healthcare facilities

Author(s): Harris, D. D., Fitzgerald, L.
When deciding which flooring materials should be installed in a healthcare facility, designers must consider how the material will affect building occupant safety, long-term hospital costs, and overall appearance. Using a variety of flooring types, ranging from hard materials to soft installations, is one way to optimize the functionality and safety of a given space within a hospital.
Key Point Summary
Added June 2015

Patients and Their Families Weigh in on Evidence-Based Hospital Design

Author(s): Trochelman, K., Albert, N., Spence, J., Murray, T., Slifcak, E.
Literature indicates that design of a healthcare facility impacts quality of care, patient safety, patient satisfaction, staff satisfaction, and outcomes. Evidence-based design (EBD) is increasingly becoming a guiding principle in the design of new healthcare facilities. As research on EBD evolves and more hospitals and architects use EBD recommendations, it becomes imperative to consider the perspectives of patients and families.
Key Point Summary
Added May 2015

The association of hospital prevention processes and patient risk factors with the risk of Clostridium difficile infection: a population-based cohort study

Author(s): Daneman, N., Guttmann, A., Wang, X., Ma, X., Gibson, D., Stukel, T.
Added May 2015

Planning Intensive Care Unit Design Using Computer Simulation Modeling: Optimizing Integration of Clinical, Operational, and Architectural Requirements

Author(s): OʼHara, S.
Simulation modeling, according to the author, is a cost-effective way to test equipment utilization or the required number of beds, staffing models, and to examine ‘what-if scenarios’ for the design of Intensive Care Units (ICUs). The input of a nurse is valuable to both the design and simulation processes. This paper outlines the information a nurse needs to be equipped to be an effective participant in the planning team with architects and simulation engineers.
Key Point Summary
Added May 2015

Design for Safety in the Critical Care Environment: An Evidence-Based Approach

Author(s): Stroupe, J. M.
Added May 2015