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Knowledge Repository

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Displaying 381 - 400 of 933

Surface Finish Materials: Considerations for the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU)

Author(s): Harris, D.
In this literature review, it is shown that a growing body of research has been focusing on how surface material finishes within neonatal intensive care units (NICUs) can contribute to the operational, clinical, and social aspects of health outcomes.
Key Point Summary
Added September 2016

Optimizing Health Care Environmental Hygiene

Author(s): Carling, Philip C.
Added September 2016

Evaluation of Hospital Floors as a Potential Source of Pathogen Dissemination Using a Nonpathogenic Virus as a Surrogate Marker

Author(s): Koganti, S., Alhmidi, H., Tomas, M. E., Cadnum, J. L., Jencson, A., Donskey, C. J.
Added August 2016

Analysis of contemporary hospital infrastructure pertaining to infection prevention in Germany

Author(s): Stiller, A., Schröder, C., Gropmann, A., Schwab, F., Behnke, M., Geffers, C., Holzhausen, J., Sunder, W., Gastmeier, P.
Added July 2016

High bacterial load of indoor air in hospital wards: the case of University of Gondar teaching hospital, Northwest Ethiopia

Author(s): Gizaw, Zemichael, Gebrehiwot, Mulat, Yenew, Chalachew
Added July 2016

Impact of new water systems on healthcare-associated colonization or infection with Pseudomonas aeruginosa

Author(s): Lefebvre, A., Quantin, C., Vanhems, P., Lucet, J. C., Bertrand, X., Astruc, K., Chavanet, P., Aho-Glélé, L. S.
Added July 2016

Pseudomonas aeruginosa in premise plumbing of large buildings

Author(s): Bédard, E., Prévost, M., Déziel, E.
Added July 2016

Intensifying the Focus on the Contribution of the Inanimate Environment to Health Care–Associated Infections

Author(s): Palmore, T. N., Henderson, D. K.
Added June 2016

Promoting Hand Hygiene With a Lighting Prompt

Author(s): Diegel-Vacek, L., Ryan, C.
Added June 2016

Impact of Neonatal Intensive Care Bed Configuration on Rates of Late-Onset Bacterial Sepsis and Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus Colonization

Author(s): Julian, S., Burnham, C.-A., Sellenriek, P., Shannon, W. D., Hamvas, A., Tarr, P. I., Warner, B. B.
Late-onset infections are a continuing issue, causing notable levels of morbidity and mortality in neonatal intensive care units (NICUs), while also increasing the length of patient stay and financial burdens on healthcare institutions. Few previous studies have tested the hypothesis that infants in single-patient rooms have a lower risk of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) colonization, late-onset sepsis, and death.
Key Point Summary
Added June 2016

Relationships Among Cleaning, Environmental DNA, and Healthcare-Associated Infections in a New Evidence-Based Design Hospital

Author(s): Lesho, E., Carling, P., Hosford, E., Ong, A., Snesrud, E., Sparks, M., Onmus-Leone, F., Dzialowy, N., Fraser, S., Kwak, Y., Miller, S., Chukwuma, U., Julius, M., McGann, P., Clifford, R.
Added June 2016

Ebola Holding Units at government hospitals in Sierra Leone: evidence for a flexible and effective model for safe isolation, early treatment initiation, hospital safety and health system functioning

Author(s): Johnson, O., Youkee, D., Brown, C. S., Lado, M., Wurie, A., Bash-Taqi, D., Hall, A., Hanciles, E., Kamara, I., Kamara, C., Kamboz, A., Seedat, A., Thomas, S., Kamara, T. B., Leather, A. J. M., Kargbo, B.
The outbreak of Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) in West Africa during 2014-2015 was an unprecedented modern crisis that required novel approaches to outbreak containment and management. In response, the Ministry of Health and Sanitation (MOHS) and the King’s Sierra Leone Partnership (KSLP) in Freetown, Sierra Leone, worked to develop and implement five new Ebola Holding Units (EHUs) in government hospitals, which successfully isolated 37% of the 3,097 confirmed EVD cases within the country’s Western Urban and Rural district.
Key Point Summary
Added June 2016

Impact of a Comprehensive Workplace Hand Hygiene Program on Employer Health Care Insurance Claims and Costs, Absenteeism, and Employee Perceptions and Practices:

Author(s): Arbogast, J. W., Moore-Schiltz, L., Jarvis, W. R., Harpster-Hagen, A., Hughes, J., Parker, A.
Added June 2016

Development and Use of Mobile Containment Units for the Evaluation and Treatment of Potential Ebola Virus Disease Patients in a United States Hospital

Author(s): Sugalski, G., Murano, T., Fox, A., Rosania, A., Bogucki, S.
University Hospital was in a unique situation for the potential of receiving suspected Ebola patients from Newark (N.J.) International Airport. This situation led to the establishment of an Ebola treatment area (ETA) separate from the main hospital with easy access to hospital employees and equipment when needed. The ETA was built inside a pre-existing building that was empty on the first floor using Western Shelter Systems. This allowed the relatively quick erection of the unit without building a permanent unit.
Key Point Summary
Added June 2016

The Efficacy of Visual Cues to Improve Hand Hygiene Compliance

Author(s): Nevo, Igal, Fitzpatrick, Maureen, Thomas, Ruth-Everett, Gluck, Paul A., Lenchus, Joshua D., Arheart, Kristopher L., Birnbach, David J.
Healthcare-associated infections (HAI) affect patients at hospitals and other facilities. Hand hygiene compliance (HHC) among healthcare workers is important and was called upon by the World Health Organization (WHO) in 2009 for improvement and sustainability.
Key Point Summary
Added June 2016

Norovirus in the hospital setting: virus introduction and spread within the hospital environment

Author(s): Morter, S., Bennet, G., Fish, J., Richards, J., Allen, D.J., Nawaz, S., Iturriza-Gómara, M., Brolly, S., Gray, J.
Added May 2016

Environmental Transmission of Clostridium difficile: Association Between Hospital Room Size and C. difficile Infection

Author(s): Jou, J., Ebrahim, J., Shofer, F. S., Hamilton, K. W., Stern, J., Han, J. H.
Added May 2016

Impact of sink location on hand hygiene compliance after care of patients with Clostridium difficile infection: a cross-sectional study

Author(s): Deyneko, A., Cordeiro, F., Berlin, L., Ben-David, D., Perna, S., Longtin, Y.
Hand hygiene is typically identified as the most important infection control measure. Many healthcare settings have adopted alcohol-based hand rub solutions because they are extremely easy to use, are accessible, and are effective against microbes. One limitation of alcohol-based hand rubs, however, is their ineffectiveness against spore-forming organisms such as Clostridium difficile infection (CDI). Thus, hand washing in sinks rather than rubbing with solutions is highly recommended after caring for patients with CDI.
Key Point Summary
Added May 2016

Antimicrobials in Hospital Furnishings: Do They Help Reduce Healthcare-Associated Infections?

Author(s): Schettler, T.
Added May 2016

In vitro evaluation of a novel process for reducing bacterial contamination of environmental surfaces

Author(s): Baxa, D., Shetron-Rama, L., Golembieski, M., Golembieski, M., Jain, S., Gordon, M., Zervos, M.
Added May 2016