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Knowledge Repository

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The Knowledge Repository is a complete, user-friendly database of healthcare design research references that continues to grow with the latest peer-reviewed publications. Start with our Knowledge Repository for all of your searches for articles and research citations on healthcare design topics. Access full texts through the source link, read key point summaries, or watch slidecasts. Expand your search and find project briefs, interviews, and other relevant resources by visiting our Insights & Solutions page.


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Displaying 181 - 200 of 269

Environmental Variables That Influence Patient Satisfaction: A Review of the Literature

Author(s): MacAllister, L., Zimring, C., Ryherd, E.
This paper is a literature review that compiles a number of studies investigating the layouts and designs of hospitals and work settings, and the influences that these environments have on health and behavioral outcomes in patients. More specifically, this review seeks to identify possible links between physical and social environmental influences to self-reported patient outcomes. The authors wish to more fully understand the elements that influence patient satisfaction, and then begin a discussion over how physical and social environments can be further analyzed to enhance satisfaction.
Key Point Summary
Added September 2016

Retrospective Preevaluation-Postevaluation in Health Design

Author(s): Malagon-Maldonado, Gabriella
Added September 2016

Security Implications of Physical Design Attributes in the Emergency Department

Author(s): Pati, D., Pati, S., Harvey, T. E.
In this paper, the authors consider “security” a subset of “safety,” and note that security is imperative for providing efficient patient care, especially in emergency departments (EDs). Security is defined as the protection of people and property, while safety is defined as the broader concept of delivering patient care.
Key Point Summary
Added September 2016

The Welfare Effects of Single Rooms in German Nursing Homes: A Structural Approach

Author(s): Herr, A., Saric, A.
Added September 2016

Prevention by Design: Construction and Renovation of Health Care Facilities for Patient Safety and Infection Prevention

Author(s): Olmsted, Russell N.
Added September 2016

Optimizing Ceiling Systems and Lightweight Plenum Barriers to Achieve Ceiling Attenuation Class (CAC) Ratings of 40, 45 and 50

Author(s): Madaras, Gary S., Heuer, Andrew E.
Added September 2016

Perspectives on the Role and Synergies of Architecture and Social and Built Environment in Enabling Active Healthy Aging

Author(s): Chrysikou, E., Rabnett, R., Tziraki, C.
Added September 2016

Evaluation of Hospital Floors as a Potential Source of Pathogen Dissemination Using a Nonpathogenic Virus as a Surrogate Marker

Author(s): Koganti, S., Alhmidi, H., Tomas, M. E., Cadnum, J. L., Jencson, A., Donskey, C. J.
Added August 2016

County Health Rankings: Relationships between Determinant Factors and Health Outcomes

Author(s): Hood, C. M., Gennuso, K. P., Swain, G. R., Catlin, B. B.
Added August 2016

Marketing Vegetables in Elementary School Cafeterias to Increase Uptake

Author(s): Hanks, A. S., Just, D. R., Brumberg, A.
Added August 2016

"Let's Sit Forward": Investigating Interprofessional Communication, Collaboration, Professional Roles, and Physical Space at EmergiCare

Author(s): Dean, M., Gill, R., Barbour, J. B.
Due to the fact that emergency department (ED) caregivers are constantly involved in interprofessional, knowledge-intensive conversations, effective modes of communication necessarily play a key role in promoting patient health and safety. Previous studies have explored how the physical environment directly affects modes of communication, and how these two dimensions of the healthcare environment constantly intersect with each other.
Key Point Summary
Added August 2016

Enhancing the Skin Performance of Hospital Buildings in the UAE

Author(s): Taleb, H. M.
Added July 2016

Delivering Rural Health in a Changing Health Model: A Qualitative Study Involving Four Hospitals

Author(s): Pati, D., Gaines, K., Valipoor, S.
Added July 2016

Affective sanctuaries: understanding Maggie’s as therapeutic landscapes

Author(s): Butterfield, A., Martin, D.
Added July 2016

Creating the optimal workspace for hospital staff using human centred design: Hospital workspace design

Author(s): Cawood, T., Saunders, E., Drennan, C., Cross, N., Nicholl, D., Kenny, A., Meates, D., Laing, R.
Added July 2016

Measuring the Effect of Size on Technical Efficiency of the United Arab Emirates Hospitals

Author(s): Mahate, A., Hamidi, S., Akinci, F.
Added July 2016

The impact of facility relocation on patients' perceptions of ward atmosphere and quality of received forensic psychiatric care

Author(s): Alexiou, E., Degl' Innocenti, A., Kullgren, A., Wijk, H.
Added July 2016

Analysis of contemporary hospital infrastructure pertaining to infection prevention in Germany

Author(s): Stiller, A., Schröder, C., Gropmann, A., Schwab, F., Behnke, M., Geffers, C., Holzhausen, J., Sunder, W., Gastmeier, P.
Added July 2016

Patient Engagement in the Medical Facility Waiting Room Using Gamified Healthcare Information Delivery

Author(s): Nah, F. F.-H., Tan, C.-H., Hassan, R., Twyman, N. W., Nah, F. F.-H., Siau, K.
Added July 2016

High bacterial load of indoor air in hospital wards: the case of University of Gondar teaching hospital, Northwest Ethiopia

Author(s): Gizaw, Zemichael, Gebrehiwot, Mulat, Yenew, Chalachew
Added July 2016