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Displaying 81 - 100 of 209

Home Modification and Prevention of Frailty Progression in Older Adults: A Japanese Prospective Cohort Study

Author(s): Mitoku, K., Shimanouchi, S.
In a study involving 574 Japanese adults 65 years or older who required a low or moderate level of care, 34% modified their homes over the course of the study. Modification of these older adults’ homes prevented the progression of frailty (requiring higher level of care).
Key Point Summary
Added January 2016

Multisensory Installations in Residential Aged-Care Facilities: Increasing Novelty and Encouraging Social Engagement Through Modest Environmental Changes

Author(s): Scott, T. L., Masser, B. M., & Pachana, N. A.
When the environment of aged-care facilities is perceived as more aesthetically pleasing, it is positively related to improved mood and well-being for residents and staff. Unfortunately, most residential care environments for the elderly are planned around their physical needs.
Key Point Summary
Added January 2016

Using Lean Methodology to Decrease Wasted RN Time in Seeking Supplies in Emergency Departments

Author(s): Richardson, D. M., Rupp, V. A., Long, K. R., Urquhart, M. C., Ricart, E., Newcomb, L. R., Myers, P. J., & Kane, B. G.
This study addresses the issue of supply availability in an emergency department.
Key Point Summary
Added January 2016

Automated Fall Detection with Quality Improvement “Rewind” to Reduce Falls in Hospital Rooms

Author(s): Rantz, M. J., Banerjee, T. S., Cattoor, E., Scott, S., Skubic, M. & Popescu, M.
This study uses Microsoft Kinect motion sensors to detect patient falls in a manner that protects patient privacy and promotes cost-efficiency. The Kinect sensor uses a pattern of infrared light to produce an in-depth and 3D, ghostlike image that can provide information on patient falls while maintaining patient privacy.
Key Point Summary
Added January 2016

On SHiPs and Safety: A Journey of Safe Patient Handling in Pediatrics

Author(s): Huffman, G. M., Crumrine, J., Thompson, B., Mobley, B., Roth, K. and Roberts, C.
Nursing personnel have repeatedly been ranked among professionals that are most frequently impacted by musculoskeletal injuries. While research in this area has traditionally focused on injuries that occur with adult patients, the growing epidemic of obesity in children makes this a relevant topic to pediatric nurses as well.
Key Point Summary
Added January 2016

Light for Nurses’ Work in the 21st Century: A Review of Lighting, Human Vision Limitations, and Medication Administration

Author(s): Graves, K., Symes, L., & Cesario, S. K.
While there has been previous documentation about the impact of the built environment on staff efficiency, little has been documented about the role of architectural lighting on staff’s ability to perform work tasks. The authors cite specific examples of how medications are often distributed on night shifts, sometimes when nurses use pen lights so as not to disturb patients.
Key Point Summary
Added January 2016

Pod Nursing on a Medical/Surgical Unit

Author(s): Friese, C. R., Grunawalt, J. C., Bhullar, S., Bihlmeyer, K., Chang, R., & Wood, W.
The project reported in this article uses a Pod Nursing (PN) care delivery model to enhance patient-nurse proximity and a team-based patient assignment to improve select nurse and patient outcomes.
Key Point Summary
Added January 2016

Non-Pharmacological Interventions in Long-term Care: Feasibility and Recent Trends

Author(s): Fitzsimmons, S., Barba, B., Stump, M. & Bonner, E.
This article discusses the use of non-pharmacological interventions as part of an effort to minimize the negative effects of antipsychotic drug use on patients with cognitive impairment or perceived behavioral issues. Aspects of the built environment were included.
Key Point Summary
Added January 2016

Design of patient rooms and automatic radioiodine-131 waste water management system for a thyroid cancer treatment ward: ‘Suandok model’

Author(s): Vilasdechanon, N., Ua-apisitwong, S., Chatnampet, K., Ekmahachai, M., Vilasdechanon, J.
Added December 2015

Preparing an ICU room to welcome a critically ill patient with Ebola virus disease

Author(s): Pasquier, P., Ficko, C., Mérens, A., Dubost, C.
Ebola virus disease is a viral hemorrhagic fever that spreads through direct contact with the body fluids of an infected animal or human. Contamination may also occur through contact with items that were recently contacted by infected bodily fluids. No spread of the disease through the air has been documented. As no specific treatment or vaccine for the virus is currently available, specially coordinated medical services are necessary to control outbreaks.
Key Point Summary
Added December 2015

Measuring the Use of Examination Room Time in Oncology Clinics: A Novel Approach to Assessing Clinic Efficiency and Patient Flow

Author(s): Hamel, L. M., Chapman, R., Eggly, S., Penner, L. A., Tkatch, R., Vichich, J., Albrecht, T. L.
Inefficient use of time can drain resources and impede effective clinic flow. Long wait times in oncology units often result in higher costs for both caregivers and patients, while patients also tend to experience increased stress and reduced overall satisfaction with their treatment. Long wait times have also been shown to directly and indirectly reduce patient adherence to recommended treatments.
Key Point Summary
Added December 2015

Digital room-layout planning for complex manual handling hospital discharges

Author(s): Abraham, B. B., Birleson, A., Marsden, S.
Added December 2015

Benefits from wood interior in a hospital room: a preference study

Author(s): Nyrud, A. Q., Bringslimark, T., Bysheim, K.
New design strategies, focusing on implementing the psychologically beneficial effects of nature in the built environment, are increasingly being implemented in building design. The design of built settings is of particular importance in environments intended for healing, such as hospitals. Preferences for a setting are thought to be indicators of factors in the environment that can enhance...
Key Point Summary
Added December 2015

Intensive care unit design and mortality in trauma patients

Author(s): Pettit, N. R., Wood, T., Lieber, M., O'Mara, M. S.
A primary concern for many patient care units is the question of where to place more seriously ill patients within the space that is available. Questions regarding the impact of architectural features, such as the availability of natural lighting, or adjacency to nurse stations on patient health outcomes should be further explored so that increasingly effective healthcare environments can be established. Currently, no data exist demonstrating whether trauma patients receiving treatment in intensive care unit (ICU) beds with poor visibility from a central nursing station experience health outcomes different from those in rooms that may be more visible from the nursing station.
Key Point Summary
Added December 2015

Metrics of circadian lighting for clinical investigations

Author(s): Barroso, A., Simons, K., Jager, P. de
Added December 2015

Evaluation of Smart Phones for Remote Control of a Standard Hospital Room

Author(s): Newman, K. E., Blei, M.
Added December 2015

Minimizing ED Waiting Times and Improving Patient Flow and Experience of Care

Author(s): Sayah, A., Rogers, L., Devarajan, K., Kingsley-Rocker, L., Lobon, L. F.
Added December 2015

Does an ED Flow Coordinator Improve Patient Throughput?

Author(s): Murphy, S. O., Barth, B. E., Carlton, E. F., Gleason, M., Cannon, C. M.
Added December 2015

Initiatives to reduce overcrowding and access block in Australian emergency departments: A literature review

Author(s): Crawford, K., Morphet, J., Jones, T., Innes, K., Griffiths, D., Williams, Allison
Australian emergency departments are experiencing an increasing demand for their services. Patient throughput continues to expand resulting in overcrowding and access block where patients cannot gain entry to appropriate hospital beds. This is despite both state and federal governments implementing numerous schemes to address the complex causes of stress on emergency departments. This paper...
Key Point Summary
Added December 2015

Using Lean-Based Systems Engineering to Increase Capacity in the Emergency Department

Author(s): White, B., Chang, Y., Grabowski, B., Brown, D.
Emergency department (ED) crowding is a widespread issue that causes a multitude of negative effects on patient care quality, safety, and efficiency. Lean-based systems engineering, which is often used for industrial manufacturing, is a method for eliminating all forms of waste (including wasted time and other resources) to optimize productivity. Recent studies have begun to demonstrate the use of systems engineering and improvement science on streamlining processes and improving throughput in different medical capacities, but an opportunity remains to refine the application of these tools within EDs in particular.
Key Point Summary
Added December 2015