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Knowledge Repository

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Displaying 21 - 40 of 122

Neonatal intensive care nursery staff perceive enhanced workplace quality with the single-family room design

Author(s): Stevens, D. C., Helseth, C. C., Khan, M. A., Munson, D. P., Smith, T. J.
Added December 2016

Single-Family Room Design in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit—Challenges and Opportunities

Author(s): White, R. D.
Added December 2016

Demonstrating the Benefits of Green Streets for Active Aging: Final Report to EPA

Author(s): Dill, J., Neal, M., Shandas, V., Luhr, G., Adkins, A., Lund, D.
Added October 2016

Using signage to promote stair use on a university campus in hidden and visible stairwells

Author(s): Grimstvedt, M. E., Kerr, J., Oswalt, S. B., Fogt, D. L., Vargas-Tonsing, T. M., Yin, Z.
Added August 2016

The built environment and obesity: A systematic review of the epidemiologic evidence

Author(s): Feng, J., Glass, T. A., Curriero, F. C., Stewart, W. F., Schwartz, B. S.
Added August 2016

Different perspectives for assigning weights to determinants of health

Author(s): Booske, B. C., Athens, J. K., Kindig, D. A., Park, H., Remington, P. L.
Added August 2016

The Efficacy of Visual Cues to Improve Hand Hygiene Compliance

Author(s): Nevo, Igal, Fitzpatrick, Maureen, Thomas, Ruth-Everett, Gluck, Paul A., Lenchus, Joshua D., Arheart, Kristopher L., Birnbach, David J.
Healthcare-associated infections (HAI) affect patients at hospitals and other facilities. Hand hygiene compliance (HHC) among healthcare workers is important and was called upon by the World Health Organization (WHO) in 2009 for improvement and sustainability.
Key Point Summary
Added June 2016

Measuring the Structure of Visual Fields in Nursing Units

Author(s): Lu, Y.
A nurses’ central role is to treat and attend to patients’ needs in a timely manner. This becomes complicated when managing several patients simultaneously, especially those in critical care. Therefore, developing an efficient system that helps nurses manage patient care and reduces nurse burnout rates is critical.
Key Point Summary
Added January 2016

Making the Case for Evidence-Based Design in Healthcare: A Descriptive Case Study of Organizational Decision Making

Author(s): Shoemaker, L.K., Kazley, A.S., White, A.
It is reported that an approximately 98,000 people die each year in the United States as a result of medical errors (IOM, 1999). This is unacceptable in a country that prides itself on the best medical institutions and access to the highest-end technology. It is believed that the need to renew currently standing hospitals is due to a combination of aging buildings, aging populations, and introduction of new technologies (Ulrich, 2004). This has led to a large patient safety movement and the largest hospital construction boom in U.S. history (Jones, 2004).
Key Point Summary
Added January 2016

Developing the Birth Unit Design Spatial Evaluation Tool (BUDSET) in Australia: A Qualitative Study

Author(s): Foureur, M., Leap, N., Davis, D., Forbes, I., & Homer, C.
To develop a tool to assess the “optimality” of birth unit design. This is important because “Optimal birth spaces are likely to enable women to have physiologically normal labor and birth.”
Key Point Summary
Added January 2016

An Empirical Examination of Patient Room Handedness in Acute Medical-Surgical Settings

Author(s): Pati, D., Cason, C., Harvey Jr., T.E., Evans, J.
The initial cost of designing hospitals with standardized same-handed patient rooms is typically much higher than the cost of hospitals designed with mirror-image configurations. This is because same-handed units require separate utility lines for each patient room rather than shared medical gas lines and bathroom plumbing lines between every two rooms.
Key Point Summary
Added January 2016

PHAMA - Patient Handling and Movement Assessments: A White Paper

Author(s): ,
Added November 2015

Design of the environment of care for safety of patients and personnel: Does form follow function or vice versa in the intensive care unit?

Author(s): Bartley, J., Streifel, A. J.
Added September 2015

From “Baby Barn” to the “Single Family Room Designed NICU”: A Report of Staff Perceptions One Year Post Occupancy

Author(s): Cone, S. K., Short, S., Gutcher, G.
Single Family Rooms (SFRs) are becoming an increasingly popular design model in the care of critically ill preterm infants. The advantages of this physical environment to the infant, family and care providers is well documented.
Key Point Summary
Added July 2015

Lighting for Today's Neonatal Intensive Care Unit

Author(s): Rizzo, P., Rea, M., White, R.
Lighting is a design feature in NICUs that needs to cater to and support all users of the NICU – the infant, the staff, and the family. The authors surmise that lighting should be quiet, reliable, efficient, maintenance- free, and flexible in accordance with the diverse and changing requirements of the NICU users.
Key Point Summary
Added July 2015

Making Neonatal Intensive Care Units More Visually Appealing

Author(s): Smith, J. A., Hager, J., Bajo, K.
Added July 2015

Development and initial testing of the Person-centered Care Assessment Tool (P-CAT)

Author(s): Edvardsson, D., Fetherstonhaugh, D., Nay, R., Gibson, S.
Added April 2015

A Lean Six Sigma Team Increases Hand Hygiene Compliance and Reduces Hospital-Acquired MRSA Infections by 51%

Author(s): Carboneau, C., Aizen, E., Jaco, M. T., Robinson, M.
Added April 2015

Pre-versus post-occupancy evaluation of daylight quality in hospitals

Author(s): Alzoubi, H., Al-Rqaibat, S., Bataineh, R. F.
Studies show that most hospital occupants prefer natural daylight to electrical light. Daylight can be used to optimize patient comfort by creating a more attractive indoor setting. Daylight has been linked to higher levels of staff performance and productivity along with reduced energy use and hospital emissions. Comparisons of pre- and post-occupancy lighting levels evaluate how well a space being put to use matches the predicted situation.
Key Point Summary
Added March 2015

Using Music to Reduce Noise Stress for Patients in the Emergency Department A Pilot Study

Author(s): Short, A. E., Ahern, N., Holdgate, A., Morris, J., Sidhu, B.
High levels of noise within emergency departments (EDs) have been associated with higher levels of patient stress. Noise and the stress it causes have been observed as a contributing factor to slower recovery rates and overall lower rates of satisfaction among patients.
Key Point Summary
Added March 2015