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Knowledge Repository

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Displaying 4841 - 4860 of 6333

Impact of Copper and Silver Ionization on Fungal Colonization of the Water Supply in Health Care Centers: Implications for Immunocompromised Patients

Author(s): Pedro-Botet, M.L., Sanchez, I., Sabria, M., Sopena, N.
Added October 2012

Do patients and their relatives prefer single cubicles or shared wards?

Author(s): Pease, N.J., Finlay, I.G.
Added October 2012

The effect of ward design on the well-being of post-operative patients

Author(s): Pattison, H.M., Robertson, C.E.
Added October 2012

Handoff strategies in setting with high consequences for failure: Lessons for health care operations

Author(s): Patterson, E.S., Roth, E.M., Woods, D.D., Chow, R., Gomes, J.O.
Added October 2012

Inpatient Unit Flexibility Design Characteristics of a Successful Flexible Unit

Author(s): Pati, D., Harvey, T., Cason, C.
Added October 2012

Taking Care of Nurses

Author(s): Ritchey, T., Pati, D., Harvey, T.
Added October 2012

Clinical. The impact of environmental cleanliness on infection rates

Author(s): Patel, S.
Added October 2012

Influence of protective isolation on outcome of allogeneic bone marrow transplantation for leukemia

Author(s): Passweg, J.R., Rowlings, P.A., Atkinson, K.A., Barrett, A.J., Gale, R.P., Gratwohl, A., Jacobsen, N., Klein, J.P., Ljungman, P., Russell, J.A., Schaefer, U.W., Sobocinski, K.A., Vossen, J.M., Zhang, M.J., Horowitz, M.M.
Added October 2012

Wayfinding in dementia of the Alzheimer type: planning abilities

Author(s): Passini, R., Rainville, C., Marchand, N., Joanette, Y.
Added October 2012

A comparison of play behaviors in two child life program variations

Author(s): Pass, M., Bolig, R.
Added October 2012

Outbreak of Pertussis Among Healthcare Workers in a Hospital Surgical Unit

Author(s): Pascual, F.B., McCall, C.L., McMurtray, A., Payton, T., Smith, F., Bisgard, K.M.
Added October 2012

Bright light improves vitality and alleviates distress in healthy people

Author(s): Partonen, T., Lonnqvist, J.
Added October 2012

Sleep in the intensive care unit

Author(s): Parthasarathy, S., Tobin, M.J.
Added October 2012

Deaths caused by bedrails

Author(s): Parker, K., Miles, S.H.
Added October 2012

An Elder-Friendly Hospital: translating a dream into reality

Author(s): Parke, B., Brand, P.
Added October 2012

Evidence-Based Guideline: Changing the Practice of Physical Restraint Use in Acute Care.

Author(s): Park, M., Tang, J.H.C.
Added October 2012

Hydrophilic Fungi and Ergosterol Associated with Respiratory Illness in a Water-Damaged Building

Author(s): Park, J.-H., Cox-Ganser, J.M., Kreiss, K., White, S.K., Rao, C.Y.
Added October 2012

Job-satisfaction of community psychiatric-nurses in Northern-Ireland

Author(s): Parahoo, K.
Added October 2012

Exploring lag and duration effect of sunshine in triggering suicide

Author(s): Papadopoulos, F.C., Frangakis, C.E., Skalkidou, A., Petridou, E., Stevens, R.G., Trichopous, D.
Added October 2012

Environmental surveillance of filamentous fungi in three tertiary care hospitals in Greece.

Author(s): Panagopoulou, P., Filioti, J., Petrikkos, G., Giakouppi, P., Anatoliotaki, M., Farmaki, E., Kanta, A., Apostolakou, H., Avlami, A., Samonis, G., Roilides, E.
Added October 2012