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Knowledge Repository

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Displaying 3481 - 3500 of 6333

Daily Disinfection of High-Touch Surfaces in Isolation Rooms to Reduce Contamination of Healthcare Workers’ Hands

Author(s): Kundrapu, S., Sunkesula, V., Jury, L. A., Sitzlar, B. M., Donskey, C. J.
Added November 2014

Low Frequency of Fires From Alcohol‐Based Hand Rub Dispensers in Healthcare Facilities •

Author(s): Boyce, J. M., Pearson, M. L.
Added November 2014

Hospital ward design and prevention of hospital-acquired infections: A prospective clinical trial

Author(s): Ellison, J., Southern, D., Holton, D., Henderson, E., Wallace, J., Faris, P., Ghali, W. A., Conly, J.
The authors note the growing recognition of the relevance of facility design as a significant factor contributing to patient safety. They point to several factors in the environment of a hospital that may be potentially conducive for the transmission of hospital-acquired infections (HAIs), antibiotic-resistant organisms (AROs), in particular.
Key Point Summary
Added November 2014

Patient satisfaction in outpatient healthcare services at secondary level vs. tertiary level

Author(s): Velikj-Stefanovska, V., Stefanovska-Petkovska, M.
Added November 2014

Healthcare providers' perception of design factors related to physical environments in hospitals

Author(s): Mourshed, M., Zhao, Y.
Most aspects of the physical environment having an impact on staff outcome are determined during early design stages of a building’s lifecycle. Subsequent modifications at later stages are expensive and sometimes difficult to achieve due to the multidisciplinary nature of design decision making.
Key Point Summary
Added November 2014

Effectiveness of an audible reminder on hand hygiene adherence

Author(s): Fakhry, M., Hanna, G. B., Anderson, O., Holmes, A., Nathwani, D.
To reduce healthcare associated infections (HAIs), interventions, like alcohol-based hand rub, soap and water, training, education, workplace reminders, etc., have been introduced to increase hand hygiene compliance by healthcare workers. Visitors to hospitals may also spread infections, and it is imperative for them to be acquainted with and comply with hand hygiene during their visits.
Key Point Summary
Added November 2014

Do hospital visitors wash their hands? Assessing the use of alcohol-based hand sanitizer in a hospital lobby

Author(s): Birnbach, D. J., Nevo, I., Barnes, S., Fitzpatrick, M., Rosen, L. F., Everett-Thomas, R., Sanko, J. S., Arheart, K. L.
Compliance with hand hygiene by healthcare workers is considered to be relevant to the prevention of healthcare-associated infections in hospitals and other healthcare facilities. There are no studies that indicate the significance of hand-hygient compliance (HHC) by hospital visitors, although both the World Health Organization and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention suggest that hospital visitors can potentially carry infections from the community into hospitals.
Key Point Summary
Added November 2014

Taking ergonomics to the bedside – A multi-disciplinary approach to designing safer healthcare

Author(s): Norris, B., West, J., Anderson, O., Davey, G., Brodie, A.
Added November 2014

NICU redesign from open ward to private room: A longitudinal study of parent and staff perceptions

Author(s): Swanson, J. R., Peters, C., Lee, B. H.
For the past 20 years, floor plans incorporating single-patient room designs have been growing in popularity, especially in the context of neonatal intensive care units (NICUs). The differences between private-room (PR) floor plans and open-ward (OW) floor plans have been thoroughly studied, with previous research showing how OW NICUs can limit privacy and generate other negative environmental effects for patients and family members.
Key Point Summary
Added November 2014

Factors influencing evaluation of patient areas, work spaces, and staff areas by healthcare professionals

Author(s): Sadatsafavi, H., Walewski, J., Shepley, M. M.
One important element of high-quality healthcare delivery is a motivated and satisfied staff. Healthcare executives should regularly examine the factors that influence clinicians’ perceptions of satisfaction and quality so that necessary changes can be addressed.
Key Point Summary
Added November 2014

Patient Room Considerations in the Intensive Care Unit: Caregiver, Patient, Family

Author(s): Evans, J., Reyers, E.
Added November 2014

Recommended standards for newborn ICU design, eighth edition

Author(s): White, R. D., Smith, J. A., Shepley, M. M.
Added November 2014

A better physical environment in the workplace means higher well-being? A study with healthcare professionals

Author(s): Campos-Andrade, C., Hernández-Fernaud, E., Lima, M.-L.
Referring to literature that points to the physical and psychological demands of healthcare work, the authors note that a negative physical environment can add to stress, burnout, and the possibility of error in addition to having repercussions for the health and well-being of the workers. Noise levels, unit configuration, and patient room type (single or multi-bed) are some of the environmental factors that have been studied and found to affect the experience and well-being of nurses.
Key Point Summary
Added November 2014

Impact of hospital space standardization on patient health and safety

Author(s): Price, A. D. F., Lu, J.
Added November 2014

Linking acoustics and floor-plate shape qualities of healthcare settings

Author(s): Okcu, S., Shpuza, E., Ryherd, E., Zimring, C.
Added November 2014

A conceptual model for the design process of interventions in healthcare buildings: a method to improve design

Author(s): Caixeta, M. C., Fabricio, M. M.
Added November 2014

The effects of physical environments in medical wards on medication communication processes affecting patient safety

Author(s): Liu, W., Manias, E., Gerdtz, M.
The physical environment of a hospital has a wide range of effects on the quality of care administered to patients. In the context of medication distribution, seamless communication among healthcare professionals of different backgrounds is imperative, and in many cases the physical environment itself can have positive or negative effects on this complex process.
Key Point Summary
Added November 2014

Assessing the optimal location for alcohol-based hand rub dispensers in a patient room in an intensive care unit

Author(s): Boog, M. C., Erasmus, V., de Graaf, J. M., van Beeck, E. A. H. E., Melles, M, van Beeck, E. F.
The authors allude to literature which says that compliance of hand hygiene (which is crucial to reducing the spread of infectious disease) is low among healthcare workers (HCWs). Literature also shows that alcohol-based hand rubs (ABHRs) improve hand-hygiene compliance by HCWs, which in turn is impacted by location, access to, and visibility of the ABHR dispenser.
Key Point Summary
Added November 2014

To provide care and be cared for in a multiple-bed hospital room

Author(s): Persson, E., Määttä, S.
Added November 2014

Decline in incidence of Clostridium difficile infection after relocation to a new hospital building with single rooms

Author(s): Heddema, E. R., van Benthem, B. H. B.
The authors report that the most common risk factors for Clostridium difficile infection (CDI) are age (≥65 years), comorbidities, and the use of antibiotics. They point out that it is a challenge to control the risk factors and that preventive measures have not been particularly helpful.
Key Point Summary
Added November 2014