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Knowledge Repository

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Displaying 21 - 40 of 313

The demand for specialization and its influence on the design of inpatient nursing units: Can standardized design be done once and for all?

Author(s): Xuan, X., Duan, X., Feng, Z.
Research shows that specialized units, such as psychiatry and intensive care, require built environments that are specific to their patient populations. Medical-surgical units within the same facility typically have similar physical layouts even though they often serve distinct patient populations.
Key Point Summary
Added April 2022

Clinic design for safety during the pandemic: Safety or teamwork, can we only pick one?

Author(s): Lim, L., Zimring, C. M., DuBose, J. R., Fischer, G. M., Stroebel, R.
Research shows that teamwork improves patient and staff outcomes, reduces medical errors, and enhances quality of care. Teams are more effective when team members work in close proximity, are visually connected, and cross paths throughout the work day, but these practices can be detrimental during a pandemic.
Key Point Summary
Added April 2022

Relationship of the built environment on nursing communication patterns in the Emergency Department: A task performance and analysis time study

Author(s): Tindle, K., Allison, D., Carlisle, S., Faircloth, B., Fields, J. M., Hayden, G., Ku, B.
Added April 2022

The role of the physical environment in conversations between people who are communication vulnerable and health-care professionals: a scoping review

Author(s): Stans, S. E. A., Dalemans, R. J. P., de Witte, L. P., Smeets, H. W. H., Beurskens, A. J.
Added April 2022

The hospital of the future: Rethinking architectural design to enable new patient-centered treatment concepts

Author(s): Amato, C., McCanne, L., Yang, C., Ostler, D., Ratib, O., Wilhelm, D., Bernhard, L.
The current hospital designs that employ segregated specialty approaches create limitations in involving and communicating between clinical disciplines. In addition, these approaches require the movement of patients between places, which impacts the delivered care and increases the cost and stay durations.
Key Point Summary
Added January 2022

Impact of distance on stroke inpatients’ mobility in rehabilitation clinics: a shadowing study

Author(s): Kevdzija, M., Marquardt, G.
Failure to rehabilitate after experiencing a stroke frequently results in a patient’s admission to long-term care. There is a need to understand how size and spatial configuration of rehabilitation settings can support wayfinding and help patients overcome mobility barriers.
Key Point Summary
Added December 2021

Experiences of sensory overload and communication barriers by autistic adults in health care settings

Author(s): Strömberg, M., Liman, L., Bang, P., Igelström, K.
Autistic adults have an elevated risk for health problems that can be further exacerbated by stressful and inefficient healthcare experiences. The goal of this study was to identify problematic patterns of sensory and communication experiences for autistic adults. Intense, unpredictable, and uncontrollable environments present barriers to communication and contribute to overstimulation.
Key Point Summary
Added October 2021

Experiences of Sensory Overload and Communication Barriers by Autistic Adults in Health Care Settings

Author(s): Strömberg, M., Liman, L., Bang, P., Igelström, K.
Added October 2021

Influences of physical layout and space on patient safety and communication in ambulatory oncology practices: A multisite, mixed method investigation

Author(s): Fauer, A., Wright, N., Lafferty, M., Harrod, M., Manojlovich, M., Friese, C. R.
Data from 2016 to 2020 indicate that the market for ambulatory oncology services is expanding, presenting a need for a deeper understanding of how the physical space of these environments influences clinician work processes and patient safety.
Key Point Summary
Added July 2021

Efficiency and teamwork in emergency departments: Perception of staff on design interventions

Author(s): Ahmadpour, S., Bayramzadeh, S., Aghaei, P.
The authors build on previous research regarding emergency department (ED) layout and teamwork. When clinicians can move efficiently in a space that allows for collaboration, both staff and patients benefit.
Key Point Summary
Added July 2021

Technology integration in complex healthcare environments: A systematic literature review

Author(s): Bayramzadeh, S., Aghaei, P.
Previous research shows that the way in which information displays and imaging technology are integrated into healthcare environments can impact staff workflows, patient safety, and perceptions of care. Caregivers working in trauma rooms, intensive care units (ICUs), and operating rooms (ORs) require frequent access to imaging technology; when these resources are located far away from patients, issues may arise with communication, coordination, and interruptions.
Key Point Summary
Added May 2021

Spatial analysis of the effects of single- and double-bed layouts on patients’ communication patterns and psychological states in dialysis centers

Author(s): Yalçın, M., Özdamar, B. B.
Key Point Summary Coming Soon
Added April 2021

Emergency physicians’ workstation design: An observational study of interruptions and perception of collaboration during shift-end handoffs

Author(s): Joshi, R., Joseph, A., Ossmann, M., Taaffe, K., Pirrallo, R., Allison, D., Perino, L. C.
Findings from previous studies show that emergency department (ED) workstations do not adequately support teamwork during end-of-shift handoffs, specifically in terms of communication and collaboration. The typical open-plan design in EDs may be good for collaboration in general, but can lead to frequent interruptions during physician handoffs, which puts patient safety at risk.
Key Point Summary
Added April 2021

Staff perspectives on the role of physical environment in long-term care facilities on dementia care in Canada and Sweden

Author(s): Lee, S. Y., Hung, L., Chaudhury, H., Morelli, A.
Physical environment design interventions are used to benefit people with dementia living in care settings, but the influences on those providing care is unknown. Care settings that support care practices for people living with dementia have both positive and negative effects on social interaction and care practice.
Key Point Summary
Added April 2021

Integrated environment-occupant-pathogen information modeling to assess and communicate room-level outbreak risks of infectious diseases

Author(s): Li, S., Xu, Y., Cai, J., Hu, D., He, Q.
Added October 2020

Study protocol for a randomised trial evaluating the effect of a “birth environment room” versus a standard labour room on birth outcomes and the birth experience

Author(s): Lorentzen, I., Andersen, C. S., Jensen, H. S., Fogsgaard, A., Foureur, M., Lauszus, F. F., Nohr, E. A.
Added October 2020

Do bedside whiteboards enhance communication in hospitals? An exploratory multimethod study of patient and nurse perspectives

Author(s): Goyal, A., Glanzman, H., Quinn, M., Tur, K., Singh, S., Winter, S., Snyder, A., Chopra, V.
Added September 2020

Collaborative care in primary care: The influence of practice interior architecture on informal face-to-face communication—an observational study

Author(s): Morgan, S., Pullon, S., McKinlay, E., Garrett, S., Kennedy, J., Watson, B.
Added July 2020

Designing for efficiency: Examining the impact of centralized and decentralized nurse stations on interdisciplinary care processes

Author(s): Fay, L., Santiago, J. E., Real, K., Isaacs, K.
Between 1980 and 2008, adult inpatient units increased in size by 118%. Size increases on this scale may negatively impact operational efficiency, waste reduction efforts, and workplace safety.
Key Point Summary
Added June 2020

Detection of air and surface contamination by SARS-CoV-2 in hospital rooms of infected patients

Author(s): Chia, P. Y., Coleman, K. K., Tan, Y. K., Ong, S. W. X., Gum, M., Lau, S. K., Lim, X. F., Lim, A. S., Sutjipto, S., Lee, P. H., Son, T. T., Young, B. E., Milton, D. K., Gray, G. C., Schuster, S., Barkham, T., De, P. P., Vasoo, S., Chan, M., Ang, B. S. P., Tan, B. H., Leo, Y.-S., Ng, O.-T., Wong, M. S. Y., Marimuthu, K.
Added June 2020