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Displaying 3461 - 3480 of 6333

Can flooring and underlay materials reduce hip fractures in older people?

Author(s): Minns, J.
Falls resulting in fracture of the hip in older people are a major health problem worldwide. Flooring that is slippery and unsuitable footwear are other major factors contributing to the onset of fractures in the home. Building design should incorporate measures to minimize the risk of falls.
Key Point Summary
Added November 2014

Fall and injury prevention in residential care: effects in residents with higher and lower levels of cognition.

Author(s): Jensen, J., Nyberg, L., Gustafson, Y., Lundin-Olsson, L.
The prevention of falls and injuries in older people with cognitive impairment is an important concern in public health. It is of vital interest to investigate whether older people with significant cognitive impairment would benefit from fall prevention strategies.
Key Point Summary
Added November 2014

Targeting environmental factors to reduce elderly in-patient falls.

Author(s): Hignett, S., Sands, G., Youde, J., Griffiths, P.
Inpatient falls have consistently been the biggest single category of reported incidents since the 1940s; they are a significant cause of morbidity and mortality and have a high prevalence after admission to hospital. The incident rate for falls is approximately three times higher in hospitals and nursing homes than in community-dwelling older people. It has been suggested that this may be due to a combination of extrinsic risk factors (relating to the environment), for example, unfamiliar environment and wheeled furniture, combined with intrinsic risk factors (relating to the patient) such as confusion, acute illness, and balance-affecting medication.
Key Point Summary
Added November 2014

An analysis of falls in the hospital: Can we do without bedrails?

Author(s): Hanger, H. C., Ball, M. C., Wood, L. A.
Falls and injuries from falls are common in older patients in institutions, evoking a common response of using restraints, such as bedrails or cot sides, to further prevent harm. However, there is no compelling evidence that restraints reduce the risk of falls and/or injuries.
Key Point Summary
Added November 2014

Pragmatic, Cluster Randomized Trial of a Policy to Introduce Low-Low Beds to Hospital Wards for the Prevention of Falls and Fall Injuries

Author(s): Haines, T. P., Bell, R. A. R., Varghese, P. N.
Falls by hospitalized older adults are a common and potentially debilitating adverse event. In the United States, Medicare no longer confers incremental payments to hospitals for eight secondary conditions that it perceives as preventable complications of medical care, with falls from bed being one of these. Development of a policy to introduce low-low beds, which reduce the potential for injury if patients fall from the bed, on hospital wards is attractive, given the hypothesized benefits.
Key Point Summary
Added November 2014

Quality improvement project eliminates falls in recovery area of high-volume endoscopy unit.

Author(s): Francis, D. L., Prabhakar, S., Bryant-Sendek, D. M., Larson, M. V.
Patient falls associated with healthcare delivery are frequent, undesirable, and largely preventable events. Patients who receive conscious sedation for endoscopic procedures are especially vulnerable to falls because of the cognitive effects of the sedation, relative hypotension that may be induced by the most common sedatives used (fentanyl and midazolam), the prolonged fasting state, and the frequent practice of withholding regular daily medications prior to procedures. There is a need to evaluate patient falls after sedated endoscopic procedures.
Key Point Summary
Added November 2014

Why do patients in acute care hospitals fall? Can falls be prevented?

Author(s): Dykes, P. C., Carroll, D. L., Hurley, A. C., Benoit, A., Middleton, B.
Despite a large quantitative evidence base for guiding fall risk assessment and not needing highly technical, scarce, or expensive equipment to prevent falls, falls are serious problems in hospitals.
Key Point Summary
Added November 2014

Pilot cluster randomised controlled trial of flooring to reduce injuries from falls in wards for older people.

Author(s): Drahota, A. K., Ward, D., Udell, J. E., Soilemezi, D., Ogollah, R., Higgins, B., Dean, T. P., Severs, M.
Inpatient falls are a major issue for hospitals and are associated with mortality, morbidity and financial costs. Falls are particularly prevalent in elderly care environments, where patients have more risk factors for both falls and injury. With an aging society, this is an issue of increasing concern.
Key Point Summary
Added November 2014

Cluster randomised trial of a targeted multifactorial intervention to prevent falls among older people in hospital.

Author(s): Cumming, R. G., Sherrington, C., Lord, S. R., Simpson, J. M., Vogler, C., Cameron, I. D., Naganathan, V.
Falls often occur among older people in hospitals, resulting in injuries, increased lengths of stay, and greater costs to the health center. Evidence on the best way to prevent falls in hospitals is limited.
Key Point Summary
Added November 2014

Sustained reduction in serious fall-related injuries in older people in hospital.

Author(s): Fonda, D., Cook, J., Sandler, V., Bailey, M.
Falls are the leading cause of injury in Australian hospitals, with 38 percent of all hospital incidents related to falls. In hospital settings, single interventions have not been proven successful in preventing or reducing falls, whereas multisystem or multi-strategy approaches have shown to be more effective.
Key Point Summary
Added November 2014

Applying root cause analysis to improve patient safety: decreasing falls in postpartum women.

Author(s): Chen, K. H., Chen, L. R., Su, S.
The objective of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of interventions to prevent falls designed through hazard analysis using root cause analysis.
Key Point Summary
Added November 2014

Healthcare Environments Baseline Assessment for Safety & Quality, Chapter 8: Falls

Author(s): Choi, Y. S., Noblis, Georgia Tech
Added November 2014

Physical Environments That Promote Safe Medication Use

Author(s): Grissinger, M.
Added November 2014

Wayfinding Study in Virtual Environments: The Elderly vs. the Younger-Aged Groups

Author(s): Lee, S., Kline, R.
Added November 2014

Evaluating Serviceability of Healthcare Servicescapes: Service Design Perspective

Author(s): Lee, S.
Added November 2014

Comprehensibility of universal healthcare symbols for wayfinding in healthcare facilities

Author(s): Lee, S., Dazkir, S. S., Paik, H. S., Coskun, A.
In today’s globalized medical industry, patients might travel to foreign countries to receive higher quality or more affordable forms of healthcare. This modern trend has emphasized the need to develop graphic symbols used in hospitals that allow people from different linguistic and cultural backgrounds to more easily navigate their way around foreign hospitals.
Key Point Summary
Added November 2014

Caring or uncaring – meanings of being in an oncology environment

Author(s): Edvardsson, D., Sandman, P. O., Rasmussen, B.
The idea that the physical environment impacts health and well-being has been explored throughout history. In modern contexts, studies have been conducted to show how hospital design features such as art and views of natural scenery can positively influence patient experience, and how environmental variables such as sound, architecture, and color can affect different biomedical responses in...
Key Point Summary
Added November 2014

Flexibility in hospital building and application by means of standardized medical room types

Author(s): Kamp, P. G., Kooistra, R. L., Ankersmid, H. A. H. G., Bonnema, G. M.
Added November 2014

Quantifying Physician Activities in Emergency Care An Exploratory Study

Author(s): Abraham, J., Kannampallil, T. G.
Added November 2014

Method for Automated Monitoring of Hand Hygiene Adherence without Radio-Frequency Identification

Author(s): Polgreen, P. M., Hlady, C. S., Severson, M. A., Segre, A. M., Herman, T.
Added November 2014