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Displaying 61 - 80 of 156

Impacts of indoor daylight environments on patient average length of stay (ALOS) in a healthcare facility

Author(s): Choi, J.-H., Beltran, L. O., Kim, H.-S.
One of the components that increases the quality of the indoor environment in hospitals is window views with access to daylight. The orientation of a window can be significant to the amount of daylight a room can get. This study examined the indoor environments of patient rooms located on different sides of a hospital building to investigate the impact of daylight on the length of stay.
Key Point Summary
Added March 2015

Using human factors engineering to improve patient safety in the cardiovascular operating room

Author(s): Gurses, A. P., Martinez, E. A., Bauer, L., Kim, G., Lubomski, L. H., Marsteller, J. A., Pennathur, P. R., Goeschel, C., Pronovost, P. J., Thompson, D.
Cardiac surgery, despite technological and medical advances, involves high risks related to adverse events and medical errors that occur in the operating room. The Systems Engineering Initiative for Patient Safety (SEIPS) model was used to guide the research – focusing on the different variables (providers, physical environment, tools and technologies, tasks, organization) in the care environment and the impact of their interaction on patient outcomes.
Key Point Summary
Added March 2015

A review of design recommendations for outdoor areas at healthcare facilities

Author(s): Shukor, S. F. A, Stigsdotter, U. K., Nilsson, K.
The authors allude to the growing body of scientific literature that indicates the positive contribution of natural environments to human health. The stress caused by staying in a healthcare facility can be allayed by supportive outdoor natural environments.
Key Point Summary
Added March 2015

Improving patient flow and reducing emergency department crowding: A guide for hospitals

Author(s): McHugh, M., VanDyke, K., McClelland, M., Moss, D.
Added March 2015

Ambulatory infusion suite: pre- and post-occupancy evaluation

Author(s): Shepley, M.M., Rybkowski, Z., Aliber, J., Lange, C.
The authors refer to the lack of research on the design of cancer facilities while emphasizing the need to study the impact of the physical environment of infusion suites on patient experience. This study evaluates the perceptions of patients and staff of two infusion suites – old and new, specifically in connection with social interaction, privacy, and access to nature.
Key Point Summary
Added December 2014

Designing for distractions: a human factors approach to decreasing interruptions at a centralised medication station

Author(s): Colligan, L., Guerlain, S., Steck, S. E., Hoke, T. R.
According to the authors, literature indicates that interruptions during the administration of medication in healthcare settings can lead to errors, and that such errors are likely to cause more harm in pediatric settings. The medication station in the study hospital is centrally located with an open design targeted to reduce nurse walking and increase time with patients.
Key Point Summary
Added December 2014

Design of cardiovascular operating rooms for tomorrow's technology and clinical practice — Part 2

Author(s): Rostenberg, B., Barach, P. R.
Added December 2014

Human Factors Evaluation of an Interventional Trauma Operating Room Mock-up

Author(s): Biesbroek, S., Shultz, J., Kirkpatrick, A., Kortbeek, J.
Trauma operating rooms and angiography procedure rooms are separate entities in hospitals. An Interventional Trauma Operating Room (ITOR) with scope for both traditional surgery and interventional radiological procedures was designed to reduce the risk involved in moving unstable patients between the two treatment areas.
Key Point Summary
Added December 2014

Pediatric inpatient falls and injuries: a descriptive analysis of risk factors.

Author(s): Schaffer, P. L., Daraiseh, N. M., Daum, L., Mendez, E., Lin, L., Huth, M. M.
Falls are the leading cause of nonfatal injuries treated in emergency departments in the United States. Children’s falls have the potential for injury and other negative patient outcomes (e.g., increased length of hospital stay and increased costs). To prevent these fall occurrences and injury outcomes, a comprehensive assessment of the factors surrounding falls in hospitalized children is essential to developing best-practice interventions.
Key Point Summary
Added November 2014

Physical Environments That Promote Safe Medication Use

Author(s): Grissinger, M.
Added November 2014

Healthcare providers' perception of design factors related to physical environments in hospitals

Author(s): Mourshed, M., Zhao, Y.
Most aspects of the physical environment having an impact on staff outcome are determined during early design stages of a building’s lifecycle. Subsequent modifications at later stages are expensive and sometimes difficult to achieve due to the multidisciplinary nature of design decision making.
Key Point Summary
Added November 2014

Effectiveness of an audible reminder on hand hygiene adherence

Author(s): Fakhry, M., Hanna, G. B., Anderson, O., Holmes, A., Nathwani, D.
To reduce healthcare associated infections (HAIs), interventions, like alcohol-based hand rub, soap and water, training, education, workplace reminders, etc., have been introduced to increase hand hygiene compliance by healthcare workers. Visitors to hospitals may also spread infections, and it is imperative for them to be acquainted with and comply with hand hygiene during their visits.
Key Point Summary
Added November 2014

Do hospital visitors wash their hands? Assessing the use of alcohol-based hand sanitizer in a hospital lobby

Author(s): Birnbach, D. J., Nevo, I., Barnes, S., Fitzpatrick, M., Rosen, L. F., Everett-Thomas, R., Sanko, J. S., Arheart, K. L.
Compliance with hand hygiene by healthcare workers is considered to be relevant to the prevention of healthcare-associated infections in hospitals and other healthcare facilities. There are no studies that indicate the significance of hand-hygient compliance (HHC) by hospital visitors, although both the World Health Organization and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention suggest that hospital visitors can potentially carry infections from the community into hospitals.
Key Point Summary
Added November 2014

Impact of hospital space standardization on patient health and safety

Author(s): Price, A. D. F., Lu, J.
Added November 2014

Linking acoustics and floor-plate shape qualities of healthcare settings

Author(s): Okcu, S., Shpuza, E., Ryherd, E., Zimring, C.
Added November 2014

A conceptual model for the design process of interventions in healthcare buildings: a method to improve design

Author(s): Caixeta, M. C., Fabricio, M. M.
Added November 2014

To provide care and be cared for in a multiple-bed hospital room

Author(s): Persson, E., Määttä, S.
Added November 2014

Enclosed Versus Open Nursing Stations in Adult Acute Care Psychiatric Settings: Does the Design Affect the Therapeutic Milieu?

Author(s): Southard, K., Jarrell, A., Shattell, M. M., McCoy, T. P., Bartlett, R., Judge, C. A.
Added November 2014

Impact of Isolation on Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems Scores: Is Isolation Isolating?

Author(s): Vinski, J., Bertin, M., Sun, Z., Gordon, S. M., Bokar, D., Merlino, J., Fraser, T. G.
Added November 2014

Design indicators for better accommodation environments in hospitals: Inpatients’ perceptions

Author(s): Zhao, Y., Mourshed, M.
Added November 2014