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Knowledge Repository

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Displaying 3501 - 3520 of 6333

Systematic review: Effective characteristics of nursing homes and other residential long-term care settings for people with dementia

Author(s): Zimmerman, S., Anderson, W. L., Brode, S., Jonas, D., Lux, D., Beeber, A. S., Watson, L. C., Viswanathan, M., Lohr, K. N., Sloane, P. D.
Added November 2014

Managing Elders’ Wandering Behavior Using Sensors-based Solutions: A Survey

Author(s): Lin, Q., Zhang, D., Chen, L., Ni, H., Zhou, X.
Added November 2014

Emergency medical equipment storage: Benefits of visual cues tested in field and simulated settings

Author(s): Grundgeiger, T., Harris, B., Ford, N., Abbey, M., Sanderson, P. M., Venkatesh, B.
Ready availability and easy accessibility of equipment and supplies are important in intensive care units (ICUs) to be prepared for emergent situations. Bedside drawers are where all emergency items are stored for imminent use.
Key Point Summary
Added November 2014

Rapid Hospital Room Decontamination Using Ultraviolet (UV) Light with a Nanostructured UV-Reflective Wall Coating

Author(s): Rutala, W. A., Gergen, M. F., Tande, B. M., Weber, D. J.
Added November 2014

Disinfectants used for environmental disinfection and new room decontamination technology

Author(s): Rutala, W. A., Weber, D. J.
Added November 2014

Operating room ventilation with laminar airflow shows no protective effect on the surgical site infection rate in orthopedic and abdominal surgery

Author(s): Brandt, C., Hott, U., Sohr, D., Daschner, F., Gastmeier, P., Rüden, H.
Operating rooms (ORs) in hospitals of different countries use ventilation systems to assist with the prevention of surgical site infections (SSIs). The authors cite literature to show that adequate evidence does not exist to support the use of expensive ventilation systems in preventing SSIs.
Key Point Summary
Added November 2014

Does a mobile laminar airflow screen reduce bacterial contamination in the operating room? A numerical study using computational fluid dynamics technique

Author(s): Sadrizadeh, S., Tammelin, A., Nielsen, P. V., Holmberg, S.
Surgical-site infections (SSIs) can increase patient morbidity and mortality and extend hospitalization time. Operating room (OR) personnel are the main source of airborne bacteria; a person releases roughly 104 skin scales per minute while walking, 10% of which carry bacteria, although up to 12 times as many microorganisms may be discharged depending on the individual and situation. Bacteria in the OR might contaminate a surgical wound through contact with the air or through contaminated surgical instruments.
Key Point Summary
Added November 2014

Creating spaces in intensive care for safe communication: a video-reflexive ethnographic study

Author(s): Hor, S.-Y., Iedema, R., Manias, E.
According to the authors, the design of the built environment is a relatively recent foray for patient safety research. They refer to different research studies that report that the physical environment of healthcare facilities affects patient safety.
Key Point Summary
Added November 2014

Hospital bathroom ergonomics: Safety, usability and accessibility issues

Author(s): Capodaglio, E. M.
The design of a hospital bathroom is important in terms of its usability and accessibility and crucial for patient and staff safety. A bathroom’s design and layout becomes more important in a rehabilitation unit, where patient mobility is restricted for various reasons.
Key Point Summary
Added November 2014

Why walkers slip: shine is not a reliable cue for slippery ground

Author(s): Joh, A. S., Adolph, K. E., Campbell, M. R., Eppler, M. A.
Added November 2014

Sleep Disturbances and Falls in Older People

Author(s): Hill, E. L., Cumming, R. G., Lewis, R., Carrington, S., le Couteur, D. G
Added November 2014

The psychiatric ward as a therapeutic space: Systematic review

Author(s): Papoulias, C., Csipke, E., Rose, D., McKellar, S., Wykes, T.
Added November 2014

An exploration of the meanings of space and place in acute psychiatric care

Author(s): Andes, M., Shattell, M. M.
The effectiveness of acute psychiatric care (or short-term psychiatric care) owes much to the design of the physical space inhabited by both patients and mental health professionals. The structure of psychiatric care centers and the barriers they either create or remove between patients and healthcare practitioners can potentially influence patient recovery and employee well-being. Some argue that private, physically exclusionary spaces designed specifically for nurses are necessary in order to protect sensitive information and provide psychological solace for the nurses themselves.
Key Point Summary
Added November 2014

How patients and nurses experience the acute care psychiatric environment

Author(s): Shattell, M. M., Andes, M., Thomas, S. P.
Added November 2014

Enclosed Versus Open Nursing Stations in Adult Acute Care Psychiatric Settings: Does the Design Affect the Therapeutic Milieu?

Author(s): Southard, K., Jarrell, A., Shattell, M. M., McCoy, T. P., Bartlett, R., Judge, C. A.
Added November 2014

Patient satisfaction with services of the outpatient department

Author(s): Mohd, A., Chakravarty, A.
Added November 2014

An evaluation of patient attitudes to the gastroenterology outpatient experience

Author(s): Larkins, A. S., Windsor, A. V. C., Trebble, T. M.
Added November 2014

Return on investment of a LEED platinum hospital: the influence of healthcare facility environments on healthcare employees and organizational effectiveness

Author(s): Harris, D. D.
The author mentions that there is increasing evidence that indicates the connection between facility design and staff satisfaction. In comparison, there are few rigorous studies that examine the impact of sustainable building design and outcomes pertaining to patients, staff, and organizational goals.
Key Point Summary
Added November 2014

Analysis of the soundscape in an intensive care unit based on the annotation of an audio recording

Author(s): Park, M., Kohlrausch, A., de Bruijn, W., de Jager, P., Simons, K.
Patients receiving treatment in intensive care units (ICUs) are often subjected to elevated noise levels that can complicate recovery by disturbing sleep patterns and causing stress, anxiety, and changes in cardiovascular response. Although previous research has thoroughly analyzed the various sources of noise in ICUs, the authors of this study believe that inadequate recording and sound analysis techniques, as well as the presence of human observers collecting data, have restricted the depth of previous findings.
Key Point Summary
Added November 2014

Provider Communication and Role Modeling Related to Patients' Perceptions and Use of a Federally Qualified Health Center-based Farmers' Market

Author(s): Friedman, D. B., Freedman, D. A., Choi, S. K., Anadu, E. C., Brandt, H. M., Carvalho, N., Hurley, T.G., Young, V. M., Hebert, J. R.
Added November 2014