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Knowledge Repository

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Displaying 3241 - 3260 of 6333

Adjacency in hospital planning

Author(s): Lorenz, W. E., Bicher, M., Wurzer, G. X.
Added October 2015

Architects in interdisciplinary contexts: Representational practices in healthcare design

Author(s): Kasali, A., Nersessian, N. J.
Added October 2015

Improving Pediatric Radiography Patient Stress, Mood, and Parental Satisfaction Through Positive Environmental Distractions: A Randomized Control Trial

Author(s): Quan, X., Joseph, A., Nanda, U., Moyano-Smith, O., Kanakri, S., Ancheta, C, Loveless, E. A.
To evaluate how a positive environmental distraction intervention impacted pediatric radiography patient behavioral stress-responses, mood states, and parental satisfaction.
Key Point Summary
Added September 2015

One size fits all? Mixed methods evaluation of the impact of 100% single-room accommodation on staff and patient experience, safety and costs

Author(s): Maben, J., Griffiths, P., Penfold, C., Simon, M, Anderson, J. E., Robert, G., Pizzo, E., Hughes, J., Murrells, T., Barlow, J.
Authors indicate that despite the trend to adopt single-patient rooms, there is a dearth of strong evidence regarding its effect on healthcare quality and safety. When a hospital in England moved to a new building with 100% single rooms, a before-and-after move study was conducted on patient and staff experience, safety outcomes, and cost analysis. The study found that over two-thirds of the patients and one-fifth of the staff preferred single rooms.
Key Point Summary
Added September 2015

Viral contamination of aerosol and surfaces through toilet use in health care and other settings

Author(s): Verani, M., Bigazzi, R., Carducci, A.
Aerosol and surface contamination are significant to the transmission of viral infections in hospitals. The contamination of surfaces like door handles, toys, banisters, fabrics, flushing handles on toilets, etc., can occur through direct contact with an infected material or indirectly through unwashed hands or settling down of large aerosol droplets.
Key Point Summary
Added September 2015

Environmental viral contamination in a pediatric hospital outpatient waiting area: Implications for infection control

Author(s): D'Arcy, N., Cloutman-Green, E., Klein, N., Spratt, D. A.
Many viruses found in the healthcare environment are known to survive for long periods of time on inanimate objects or in the air. Pediatric healthcare environments are particularly susceptible to viral infections. Alluding to other studies where work surfaces, doors, and other touch surfaces were shown to be contaminated by virus, this study aims to find out if common touch sites in a pediatric healthcare environment can be contaminated with potentially infectious viruses.
Key Point Summary
Added September 2015

Architectural Design Drives the Biogeography of Indoor Bacterial Communities

Author(s): Kembel, S. W., Meadow, J. F., O’Connor, T. K., Mhuireach, G., Northcutt, D., Kline, J., Moriyama, M., Brown, G. Z., Bohannan, B. J. M., Green, J. L., White, B. A.
Human beings spend a substantial portion of their time in buildings that are complex ecosystems for microorganisms. Humans come in contact with the built environment microbiome (the microbial communities within buildings) which have the potential to affect their health. The authors suggest that the built environment microbiome can be modified through design to ultimately influence human health.
Key Point Summary
Added September 2015

Architectural design influences the diversity and structure of the built environment microbiome

Author(s): Kembel, S. W., Jones, E., Kline, J., Northcutt, D., Stenson, J., Womack, A. M., Bohannan, B. J. M, Brown, G. Z., Green, J. L.
Added September 2015

Healthscapes: The role of the facility and physical environment on consumer attitudes, satisfaction, quality assessments, and behaviors.

Author(s): Hutton, J. D., Richardson, L. D.
Added September 2015

Environmental Designs for Reading from Imaging Workstations: Ergonomic and Architectural Features

Author(s): Horii, S. C., Horii, H. N., Mun, S. K., Benson, H. R., Zeman, R. K.
Added September 2015

The health-care environment through the eyes of a child—Does it soothe or provoke anxiety?

Author(s): Norton-Westwood, D.
Added September 2015

Post-Occupancy Evaluation of Negative-Pressure Isolation Rooms: Using the Balanced Scorecard Framework

Author(s): Wang, C.-H., Kuo, N.-W.
To combat the spread of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) following an epidemic outbreak in Taiwan in early 2003, all hospitals were mandated by health authorities to convert their patient rooms into negative pressure isolation rooms. The authors believe that it is necessary to evaluate these rooms to ensure that they are functioning effectively.
Key Point Summary
Added September 2015

Loving Nature From the Inside Out: A Biophilia Matrix Identification Strategy for Designers

Author(s): McGee, B., Marshall-Baker, A.
Added September 2015

Hospital Patient Room Design: The Issues Facing 23 Occupational Groups Who Work in Medical/Surgical Patient Rooms

Author(s): Lavender, S. A., Sommerich, C. M., Patterson, E. S., Sanders, E. B.-N., Evans, K. D., Park, S., Umar, R.-Z. R., Li, J.
Added September 2015

Effects of Newly Designed Hospital Buildings on Staff Perceptions: A Pre-Post Study to Validate Design Decisions

Author(s): Schreuder, E., van Heel, L., Goedhart, R., Dusseldorp, E., Schraagen, J. M., Burdorf, A.
Added September 2015

Evidence-Based and Value-Based Decision Making About Healthcare Design: An Economic Evaluation of the Safety and Quality Outcomes

Author(s): Zadeh, R. S., Sadatsafavi, H., Xue, R.
Added September 2015

Field Research and Parametric Analysis in a Medical–Surgical Unit

Author(s): Nanda, U., Pati, S., Nejati, A.
Added September 2015

Demonstrating the Effect of the Built Environment on Staff Health-Related Quality of Life in Ambulatory Care Environments

Author(s): Wingler, D., Hector, R.
Added September 2015

Community-Engaged Public Health Research to Inform Hospital Campus Planning in a Low Socioeconomic Status Urban Neighborhood

Author(s): Brittin, J., Elijah-Barnwell, S., Nam, Y., Araz, O., Friedow, B., Jameton, A., Drummond, W., Huang, T. T.-K.
Added September 2015

Finding a Middle Ground: Exploring the Impact of Patient- and Family-Centered Design on Nurse–Family Interactions in the Neuro ICU

Author(s): Rippin, A. S., Zimring, C., Samuels, O., Denham, M. E.
Added September 2015