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Knowledge Repository

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The Knowledge Repository is a complete, user-friendly database of healthcare design research references that continues to grow with the latest peer-reviewed publications. Start with our Knowledge Repository for all of your searches for articles and research citations on healthcare design topics. Access full texts through the source link, read key point summaries, or watch slidecasts. Expand your search and find project briefs, interviews, and other relevant resources by visiting our Insights & Solutions page.


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Displaying 2141 - 2160 of 6333

The impact of seasonal colour change in planting on patients with psychotic disorders using biosensors

Author(s): Paraskevopoulou, A. T., Kamperi, E., Demiris, N., Economou, M., Theleritis, C., Kitsonas, M., Papageorgiou, C.
Added October 2018

Review of methods for evaluating adaptability of buildings

Author(s): Rockow, Z. R., Ross, B., Black, A. K.
Added October 2018

Retrofitting Healthcare Facilities for Bariatric Patients: A Cost Analysis Study in a Public Sector Hospital of a Developing Country

Author(s): Dutta, S., Jain, K., Siddharth, V.
Added October 2018

Noise in the intensive care unit and its influence on sleep quality: a multicenter observational study in Dutch intensive care units

Author(s): Simons, K. S., Verweij, E., Lemmens, P. M. C., Jelfs, S., Park, M., Spronk, P. E., Sonneveld, J. P. C., Feijen, H.-M., van der Steen, M. S., Kohlrausch, A. G., van den Boogaard, M., de Jager, C. P. C.
Added October 2018

Assessing the Feasibility of Measuring Variation in Facility Design Among American Childbirth Facilities

Author(s): Plough, A., Polzin-Rosenberg, D., Galvin, G., Shao, A., Sullivan, B., Henrich, N., Shah, N. T.
Added October 2018

Field investigation of ambulatory clinic exam room design with respect to computing devices: A pilot study

Author(s): Saleem, J. J., Weiler, D. T., Satterly, T., Nussbaum, M. A., Chumbler, N. R., Fischer, G. M., Rehman, S. U.
Previous studies have shown that electronic health record (EHR) systems can help enhance patient-staff interactions in ambulatory care environments. However, there is no clear method for how best to integrate EHR technology into these environments.
Key Point Summary
Added October 2018

How to Measure the Restorative Quality of Environments: The PRS-11

Author(s): Pasini, M., Berto, R., Brondino, M., Hall, R., Ortner, C.
Added October 2018

Do surgeons and surgical facilities disturb the clean air distribution close to a surgical patient in an orthopedic operating room with laminar airflow?

Author(s): Cao, G., Storås, M. C. A., Aganovic, A., Stenstad, L.-I., Skogås, J. G.
Added October 2018

The Influences of Landscape Features on Visitation of Hospital Green Spaces—A Choice Experiment Approach

Author(s): Chang, K., Chien, H.
Added October 2018

How architectural design affords experiences of freedom in residential care for older people

Author(s): Van Steenwinkel, I., Dierckx de Casterlé, B., Heylighen, A.
As the global population of elderly humans increases, healthcare providers working in long-term care facilities have focused more on how certain social and physical design elements can help promote higher quality care.
Key Point Summary
Added October 2018

Elder‐Friendly Emergency Department: Development and Validation of a Quality Assessment Tool

Author(s): McCusker, J., Vu, T. T. M., Veillette, N., Cossette, S., Vadeboncoeur, A., Ciampi, A., Cetin‐Sahin, D., Belzile, E.
Added October 2018

Lactation Space Experiences and Preferences Among Healthcare Workers in an Academic Medical Center

Author(s): Henry-Moss, D., Abbuhl, S., Bellini, L., Spatz, D. L.
Added October 2018

Adaptive glazing technologies: Balancing the benefits of outdoor views in healthcare environments

Author(s): Sadek, A. H., Mahrous, R.
Added October 2018

Design of Genuine Birth Environment: Midwives Intuitively Think in Terms of Evidence-Based Design Thinking

Author(s): Folmer, M. B., Jangaard, K., Buhl, H.
Added October 2018

Making the invisible visible: Why does design matter for safe doffing of personal protection equipment?

Author(s): Zimring, C. M., Matić, Z., Sala, M. F. W., Mumma, J. M., Kraft, C. S., Casanova, L. M., Erukunuakpor, K., Durso, F. T., Walsh, V. L., Shah, P., Jacob, J. T., DuBose, J. R.
Added October 2018

The change in nursing home residents' preferences over time

Author(s): Abbott, K. M., Heid, A. R., Kleban, M., Rovine, M. J., Van Haitsma, K.
Added October 2018

Using Discrete Event Simulation (DES) To Support Performance-Driven Healthcare Design

Author(s): Cai, H., Jia, J.
Added October 2018

The effect of nature as positive distractibility on the Healing Process of Patients with cancer in therapeutic settings

Author(s): Emami, E., Amini, R., Motalebi, G.
Added October 2018

Positive Distraction in Pediatric Healthcare Waiting Spaces: Sharing Play Not Germs through Inclusive, Hands-Free Interactive Media

Author(s): Biddiss, E., Knibbe, T. J., Fehlings, D., McKeever, P., McPherson, A.
Added October 2018

“If walls could talk”: A photo-elicitation-based observation of service users' perceptions of the care setting and of its influence on the therapeutic alliance in addiction treatment

Author(s): Bailly, J., Taïeb, O., Moro, M. R., Baubet, T., Reyre, A.
Added October 2018