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Relationship of Hospital Architecture to Nursing Staff Caring for Self, Caring for Patients, and Job Satisfaction

Originally Published:
Key Point Summary
Key Point Summary Author(s):
Keys, Yolanda
Key Concepts/Context

Key concepts include caring factors and caring for self.


The purpose of this study was to examine relationships between design of the physical structure within which nurses’ work, and caring for self, others, and job satisfaction. 


Patients completed hardcopy surveys regarding their perception of being cared for by staff.  Nurses were surveyed regarding job satisfaction, and perceptions of caring for self and caring for patients through an online survey.  Physical properties of nursing units were measured using an investigator-created instrument. 

Design Implications
An adequate number of staff bathrooms and appropriate numbers and placement of supply rooms are elements critical to nurse job satisfaction.

The number of supply rooms had a significant negative impact on job satisfaction for nurses. Multiple supply rooms required staff to travel to many different areas of the unit to gather applies for patient care.


Limitations included a small sample of only 27 nursing units, and the lack of consideration of technology. Future studies should include larger sample sizes.  

Key Point Summary Author(s):
Keys, Yolanda
Primary Author
Hozak, Mary Ann