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Insights & Solutions

October 2016 Interview

Learn about: how population health is changing the way healthcare organizations do business, why the boundaries of healthcare increasingly need to extend beyond the built environment into communities, and ways designers and architects can continue to play an integral role in the delivery of healthcare.

October 2016 Interview

Learn about: how a hospital in Brooklyn is looking beyond its walls to influence the health of its community and improve outcomes, how Active Design is playing a part in transforming the ways doctors are thinking about healthcare delivery, and how Active Design may help healthcare providers meet Affordable Care requirements. 

Executive Summary
October 2016 Executive Summary

Learn about: the definition and regulatory landscape of population health, the underlying drivers of population health, and design strategies to support health.

Issue Brief
October 2016 Issue Brief

As part of the population health toolbox, in this issue brief you will learn about the definition and regulatory landscape of population health, the underlying drivers of population health, and design strategies to support health.

October 2016 Tool
The Tool 

This tool provides healthcare designers and professionals with population health principles/goals and how environmental, operational, and people measures can be implemented to achieve said goal. Download the tool by clicking the purple bar above.  

Design Strategies
October 2016 Design Strategies

Drawing on the roots of public health, a new focus on population health has become a national mandate driven by financial incentives such as updated insurance models, changes in reimbursement, and long-term savings potential.

Healthcare systems, hospitals, and clinics are integrating population health as a key part of their mission, operations, and services. It is imperative for designers, architects, and planners to understand this new landscape and their important role in designing for health.  


October 2016 Related Resource

This list of resources is made of up of articles, books, policies, organizations, and more, related to population health. Use this list to learn more about this topic.

September 2016 Webinar

This webinar provides a glimpse into how innovative providers can change that paradigm by integrating new models and technology into their memory caregiving, activities, and building design. Learn from experts in architecture and technology, and walk away with a blueprint of how to make technology come alive in your community.

Buy Pass
September 2016 Webinar

In this webinar explore how art can be a useful tool in hospitals—much more than mere decoration. It can be used to reduce patient stress and increase patient satisfaction. Art can also help with wayfinding and building the hospital brand. 

EBD Journal Club
September 2016 EBD Journal Club

Wingler, D., & Hector, R. (2015). Demonstrating the effect of the built environment on staff health-related quality of life in ambulatory care environments. Health Environments Research & Design Journal, 8(4), 25-40.