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Insights & Solutions

December 2023 Webinar

This webinar presents opportunities to support each individual within various types of settings – providing supportive and sustainable design solutions for residents, staff, and families. Examples of innovative solutions provide a framework for an all-inclusive approach to the design of environments for aging. Join us for this conversation that supports sustainable and healthy living for residents of all ages. This includes opportunities for you, as the influencer of change, to assist vulnerable populations with creative solutions that continuously support quality of life.  

December 2023 Webinar

In this webinar, presenters will share insights gleaned from a collaborative endeavor to identify outcome-driven evidence-based design strategies. This initiative expanded the reach beyond the confines of long-term care, engaged students in the review of evidence-based literature, and pilot tested memory-care design strategies in renovation and new construction conditions. Presenters will share the resulting open-access evidence-based design resources that are available to all care providers and designers and identify opportunities for their application.  

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August 2023 Webinar

This webinar will highlight design solutions on both the departmental and facility scale, and through case study examples, identify key strategies to promote staff-centered design.  

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November 2023 Webinar

Drawing upon his book of the same title, this webinar chronicles Kamp’s design approach, dedicated to connecting people with nature regardless of their capabilities — from children with autism spectrum disorder to elders with cognitive and physical challenges. He has also explored these ideas in the larger realm, showing how engaging individuals in the stewardship of nature is a critical component of revitalizing hospitals, parks, schools, and communities, and essential to sustaining international programs combating climate change. 


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October 2023 Webinar

This webinar will explore experience design in a new light. Attendees will dive into experience mapping and learn about tools created for planning, design, and construction teams to guide design decision making. Explore a multifaceted approach that layers qualitative and quantitative evidence-based design with color and light theory to create an environment focused on health, hope and healing for all.  

September 2023 Webinar

During this webinar, you’ll hear how Garden Spot Village in New Holland, PA, partnered with a sonic treatment composer and a gerontological researcher to study whether purposeful sonic environments can help reduce the stresses associated with declining physical ability and memory loss. The partners will describe the design, execution, and outcomes of their research and share their suggestions for using the power of sound to improve quality of life for older adults.  

September 2023 Webinar

This webinar presentation will demonstrate how various forms of research can be used to understand the impacts and outcomes of care and the environment where it is delivered.  

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August 2023 Webinar

This webinar offers a unique opportunity to hear about the state of the industry on this issue from the perspective of the associations that make up our industry.  Hear their perspective on where we’ve come and where we’ve yet to go. Leaders from national organizations representing the healthcare design industry will share their insights on inroads made by their respective organizations (and the professions that they represent) and identify the next steps the professions can take collectively to move the needle forward. This conversation will explore the many opportunities available to leverage that collective power in the pursuit of diversity, equity and inclusion. 


August 2023 Webinar

This webinar will highlight the interior design considerations and subsequent design decisions for Children’s Minnesota to meet the surging demand for pediatric mental health services. To ensure the new space met the specific needs of patients and their families, the design team consulted with the Children’s Youth Advisory Committee, a group comprised of patients aged 10 to 18. Come hear their story.