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Insights & Solutions

Issue Brief
March 2014 Issue Brief

As part of the noise toolbox, in this issue brief you will learn about how excessive noise can negatively impact patients and staff in the hospital environment, ways to improve patients’ perception of sound, and low-cost, medium-cost, and high-cost design strategies that can reduce noise.

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February 2015 Webinar

The built environment plays a critical role on the health and wellbeing of its inhabitants, including: the advent of the evidence-based methodology on disruptive innovation in healthcare design; biophilia as a baseline for the shift to our inordinate amount of sedentary time indoors; how to access color and light, and their misunderstood impact on an occupant’s experience; discussion of issues related to acoustical integrity of our environments; environments that encourage interaction, communication and the healing power of touch; and an assessment of how design impacts “life indoors” through a review of best practices.

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September 2014 Webinar

Healthy soundscapes are paramount to the missions of hospitals: patients need to sleep and heal without unnecessary environmental stressors; staff, patients, and family need to communicate accurately but privately; staff need to be able to localize alarms and calls for help. There is growing research evidence of the potentially negative effects of poor soundscapes on hospital occupants. Explore recent findings from the Healthcare Acoustics Research Team (HART), an international collaboration of specialists in architecture, engineering, medicine, nursing, and psychology. 

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May 2014 Webinar

From heightened anxiety and stress, to medical errors, to staff burnout, to HIPAA violations, that hospital noise is pandemic is well known. Ongoing efforts to reduce noise in hospitals, including the “quiet at night” campaigns, have limited success due to a misunderstanding regarding the characteristics of a restful environment. The auditory environment is the least controllable and the most pervasive, involving communications, technology, family dialogue, sounds of recovery and sounds of disease. This webinar provides both insights and frameworks for creating a healing, restful environment.

September 2015 Tool

This tool provides healthcare designers and professionals with ideas on how to address the issue of noise in facility design.

Project Brief
August 2015 Project Brief

Learn about: how one hospital’s emergency room pilot project increased patient satisfaction, the standards developed post-pilot to decrease noise transfer to other areas of the hospital, and why having design changes on paper may not be enough.