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Insights & Solutions

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June 2020 Webinar

Imagine your home as a place for regeneration and a sanctuary for healing the wounds of the outside world.  It is clean, not cluttered and unmanageable.  It prevents disease and injury and restores you when the inevitable occurs.  It regenerates you on a daily basis, supporting good sleep, encouraging exercise, and making it fun to do healthy cooking.   That’s a lot to ask of a house, but it can be done.  Award winning interior designer, Cynthia Leibrock, presents “Design Details for Health” (the title of her lastest book).  Take a virtual one-hour tour of the designer’s home which has been featured on the cover of The New York Times. 

June 2020 Podcast

In part 2 of  Rachel Gutter, President of the IWBI's interview, hear about the IWBI’s new Task Force---with more than 250 members---whose goal is to help reduce the health burden of COVID-19 and other respiratory infections in the built environment.

June 2020 Podcast

Rachel Gutter, President of the International WELL Building Institute, describes how the IWBI is leading the global movement to transform our buildings, communities and organizations in ways that help people thrive.

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May 2020 Webinar

These have certainly been unprecedented times in the healthcare industry, challenging existing healthcare best practices and the built environment that supports them. A lot has been learned in a short amount of time. Join this panel of industry leaders for a dynamic and frank discussion about what we’ve seen and where we are headed, including:  

What immediate challenges were confronted? What solutions were implemented? How has innovation emerged out of necessity? What immediate observations were made and lessons learned?
May 2020 Podcast

In Part 2 of Cheryl’s fascinating conversation today with Linda Lybert--Founder and Executive Director of the Healthcare Surfaces Institute--they discuss the absence of validation requirements for surfaces that are used in the healthcare and hospital environment. Linda shares, “If you don’t have surfaces that are in the healthcare setting that can be effectively cleaned and disinfected, the way they need to be cleaned and disinfected, we won’t ever stop the spread of pathogens that cause deadly infections.”

May 2020 Podcast

In this podcast, Linda Lybert, Founder and Executive Director of the Healthcare Surfaces Institute shares what healthcare design professionals most need to know about pathogens post-COVID-19. “We’re in the middle of a pandemic and the education on this is very real,” Linda shares. The fact is we really have to clean our surfaces in the hospital setting in a certain way and on an ongoing basis. This is critical.” Configure

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May 2020 Webinar

This webinar will delve into the results of a research study exploring the meaningful use of flexibility across multiple layers for facilities including site, structure, skin, services, space plan, and social areas, and how these findings specifically apply, or differ, during a pandemic. Presenters will share a framework to design for flexibility, examples of how flexibility is being deployed currently, and a deeper look at a health system’s rapid response and long-term planning.

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May 2020 Webinar

This webinar highlights three prestigious, award-winning projects which used the EBD process in their pursuit of increasing value, improving health outcomes, and engaging stakeholders. Come hear the stories of how they did it and what they learned that can be applied to your projects!

EBD Journal Club
April 2020 EBD Journal Club

Shultz, J., Borkenhagen, D., Rose, E., Gribbons, B., Rusak-Gillrie, H., Fleck, S., Muniak, A., Filer, J. (2020). Health Environments Research & Design Journal. DOI: 10.1177/1937586719855777

April 2020 Podcast

By placing health and wellness at the center of design, construction, technology and programming decisions, Delos is transforming our indoor environments into spaces that actively contribute to human health and well-being. Paul shares how the current crisis is moving beyond political boundaries. “At the end of the day,” Paul shares, “The broader notion of wellness real estate--if we can use our buildings, our homes, our offices, our schools, our hotels, and our senior and assisted living facilities as a way to, constantly and passively, deliver preventative medical intentions through four walls and a roof, there is not one political mind in the world that will have a problem with that.” Paul also discusses Delos’s new Facilities Improvement Program and how it can help our most vulnerable population in this pandemic---our older adults in senior living communities and facilities.