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Insights & Solutions

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February 2022 Webinar

Hear the story of HDR’s new headquarters (HQ) and its role in the development of a vibrant and resilient mixed-used community in Omaha, Nebraska, USA. Originally a horse-racing track with expansive surface parking, the new development creates diverse opportunities for social engagement, healthy living, eating and shopping, and outdoor activities.

February 2022 Webinar

It reflects the coordinated and on-going efforts of a team of individuals to advance it from its initial stage -- as an AIA Design for Aging Knowledge Community white paper to push for revisions to the Americans’ with Disabilities Act – to a two-phase, comparative analysis study of elders living in nursing homes, and then to efforts to get the results included in revised codes and guidelines.  

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February 2022 Webinar

This webinar will provide tools and resources and direction to current research, field tests, and survey results to explore performance metrics. Presenters will explore the various causes of material performance failures throughout the built environment, and provide new information on breakthroughs in cleaning, sanitizing, and disinfecting.   

EBD Journal Club
February 2022 EBD Journal Club

Joshi, R., Joseph, A., Ossmann, M., Taaffe, K., Pirrallo, R., Allison, D., Perino, L.C. (2021). Health Environments Research & Design Journal. DOI: 10.1177/19375867211001379.

February 2022 Podcast

On Part 2 of today’s episode with Dame Laura Lee, DBE, Chief Executive of Maggie's –Everyone’s Home for Cancer Care, Laura shares details of the special gardens at Maggie’s, and how thoughtfully they are designed to nourish every visitor, supporting both optimistic and challengi

February 2022 Podcast

What happened in 1995 when a 30 year old Clinical Oncology Nurse Specialist at the Western General Hospital in Edinburgh, Scotland gave chemotherapy to her breast cancer patient named Maggie Keswick Jencks?

February 2022 Slidecast

Kelada, L., Wakefield, C. E., De Graves, S., Treadgold, C., Dumlao, G., Schaffer, M., O'Brien, T., (2021) Evaluation of an in-hospital recreation room for hospitalised children and their families. Journal of Pediatric Nursing

The play room in this pediatric hospital is the great escape. Let’s use this research and design an escape to get in, not get out.

February 2022 Slidecast

Noble, L., Devlin, A. S., (2021) Perceptions of psychotherapy waiting rooms: Design recommendations. HERD: Health Environments Research & Design Journal

The results here tell us far more about what does not work in the design of a behavioral health waiting room, rather than what does work, and the authors propose some types of waiting rooms may give patients the impression that the practitioner does not care about their wellbeing while waiting.

February 2022 Slidecast

Rubio, N., Macías, F., Gómez, E., (2021) The Children’s Council as a mean of participation in a hospital. American Journal of Nursing Studies

This study shows that “serious play” is a creative way to gain the insight of children through a design decision making process.

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January 2022 Webinar

In this casual conversation amongst colleagues and friends, these thought leaders will share their real-world experiences, memorable stories from their careers and most importantly, they’ll help guide attendees towards a path forward and shed light on their view of the opportunities for the future of healthcare delivery and design.