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EBD Journal Club
February 2016 EBD Journal Club

Morrill, P. W. (2013). Risk assessment as standard work in design. Health Environments Research & Design Journal, 7(1), 114-123.

EBD Journal Club
September 2013 EBD Journal Club

Bosch, S.J., Bledsoe, T., & Jenzarli, A. (2012). Staff perceptions before and after adding single family rooms in the NICU. Health Environments Research & Design Journal, 5(4), 64-75.

EBD Journal Club
October 2014 EBD Journal Club

Harris, D. D., Detke, L. A. (2013). The role of flooring as a design element affecting patient and healthcare worker safety. Health Environments Research & Design Journal, 6(3), 95-119.

EBD Journal Club
June 2014 EBD Journal Club

Freihoefer, K., Nyberg, G., & Vickery, C. (2013). Clinic exam room design: Present and future. Health Environments Research & Design Journal, 6(3), pp. 138-156.

EBD Journal Club
February 2015 EBD Journal Club

Figueiro et al. (2014). Tailored lighting intervention improves measures of sleep, depression, and agitation in persons with Alzheimer’s disease and related dementia living in long-term care facilities. Dovepress, volume 2014:9, pages 1527-1537.