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Insights & Solutions

Design Strategies
October 2016 Design Strategies

Drawing on the roots of public health, a new focus on population health has become a national mandate driven by financial incentives such as updated insurance models, changes in reimbursement, and long-term savings potential.

Healthcare systems, hospitals, and clinics are integrating population health as a key part of their mission, operations, and services. It is imperative for designers, architects, and planners to understand this new landscape and their important role in designing for health.  


October 2016 Related Resource

This list of resources is made of up of articles, books, policies, organizations, and more, related to population health. Use this list to learn more about this topic.

September 2016 Webinar

This webinar provides a glimpse into how innovative providers can change that paradigm by integrating new models and technology into their memory caregiving, activities, and building design. Learn from experts in architecture and technology, and walk away with a blueprint of how to make technology come alive in your community.

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September 2016 Webinar

In this webinar explore how art can be a useful tool in hospitals—much more than mere decoration. It can be used to reduce patient stress and increase patient satisfaction. Art can also help with wayfinding and building the hospital brand. 

EBD Journal Club
September 2016 EBD Journal Club

Wingler, D., & Hector, R. (2015). Demonstrating the effect of the built environment on staff health-related quality of life in ambulatory care environments. Health Environments Research & Design Journal, 8(4), 25-40.  

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September 2016 Webinar

In this webinar explore how the Green Road Project creates a half-mile long green corridor and wheelchair path and a 1.7-acre central woodland healing garden through the campus of Walter Reed National Military Medical Center. The goal is to bring the healing benefits of nature to U.S. service members and their families, particularly those with brain injury and PTSD. 

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September 2016 Webinar

In this webinar explore how the drivers and domains of ACA are focused on patient-centered care, ability to improve quality, and reduce cost of care. In healthcare organizations, flooring represents a significant investment over the life-cycle of the facility, literally underpinning all healthcare delivery activities. 

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September 2016 Webinar

In this webinar explore how an interdisciplinary team of designers, clinicians and data analysts was tasked by Westchester Medical Center to conduct a feasibility study on a local hospital in order to assess the effectiveness of their current facilities and understand existing community perceptions, with the goal of creating a roadmap for future development after a potential merger. 

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August 2016 Webinar

This webinar will provide an overview of the evaluation methodology. The Health Quality Council of Alberta recently released a framework which is intended to be a guiding document to support the planning and evaluation of healthcare environment mock-ups from which an improved design process can result. 

August 2016 Blog

You know the old saying “It takes a village to raise a child”? For Florida Hospital in Orlando, it also takes a village to promote a healthier way of living.