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Insights & Solutions

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August 2020 Webinar

In response to the COVID-19 global health crisis, the healthcare industry is finding ways to innovate its practice and engage with patients from a distance. Virtual care is playing a much larger role in triaging patients to promote social distancing and keep hospitals and clinics from becoming overwhelmed. In a time of rapid expansion and the need for quick deployment, some very simple design tips can help you make the most of your virtual care spaces. This webinar will explore those innovations that are being deployed for the near term and for the future.

August 2020 Podcast

In this second podcast, Jennifer responds to the question, “What specific design changes will we see in the hospital and healthcare setting?”  with, “I like to think about anything I don’t like as a patient because I know if I hate it, other people will hate it. This gives us an opportunity to rethink things like standing in line.”

August 2020 Podcast

In part one of this two part podcast, Jennifer shares her thoughts on how hospitals and healthcare systems can be better prepared for future pandemic outbreaks in the United States.Jennifer begins, “I’m pretty sure architects are going to be spending a lot of time over the next two years trying to think about how to protect both patients and staff from pandemics.” In this episode you will get insight into the brain of one of the oldest architecture firms continuing existence in North America, and learn what innovations are on the horizon for hospitals and healthcare systems.

August 2020 Slidecast

Freihoefer, K., Lindval, S., Bayramzadeh, S., & Hanson, L. (2019). Implications of a Decentralized Postpartum Unit Design and Clinical Operations. HERD: Health Environments Research & Design Journal, in press.

This study shows us the failure of a “if you build it they will come” philosophy. A new decentralized environment does not mean new decentralized behavior. 

July 2020 Webinar

This webinar will offer new lessons learned and insights arising out of 20 mental health projects currently in design, under construction, or recently occupied encompassing over 5,000 beds in 14 States in every part of the United States. 

July 2020 Webinar

This webinar will explore the impact the pandemic has had on outpatient behavioral health care. Presenters will share insights and lessons learned from care providers, discuss systemic changes to reimbursement and operations, evaluate what changes will remain in the future, and explore essential design considerations for behavioral health outpatient care that we need to embrace as we transition into the “new normal” of the post-pandemic world.

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July 2020 Webinar

Dialogue #3: The healthcare industry and the built environment that supports it has seen unprecedented change and evolution of innovative care practices, solutions, and settings. As we find ourselves entering the Summer and looking back on what has occurred and what we have learned, it is clear that “return to normal” will not be the new normal. It is predicted that moving forward, healthcare delivery will occur everywhere and in new and alternative settings and that where we live, work and conduct our lives will continue to morph and meld.

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July 2020 Webinar

​This webinar explores the challenges of durable coated fabrics in today’s acute healthcare settings. A current nationwide poll of credentialed healthcare interior designers has confirmed widespread failure of durable coated fabric upholsteries, a costly overlook of product warranties, and negative effect of these failures on our HCAHPS scores.

July 2020 Podcast

In part 2 of the interview with Diana Spellman, President of Spellman Brady & Company, the conversation moves to the firm’s design philosophy and how materials and surfaces play a key role in creating S&B’s signature, purposeful and deeply meaningful environments.

July 2020 Podcast

Diana Spellman is the  President of Spellman Brady & Company, an award winning interior planning firm specializing in timeless, meaningful environments in healthcare, senior living and higher education.