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EDAC Advocate Firm Project
January 2017 EDAC Advocate Firm Project

The goal of this project is to align critical inpatient needs to produce Critical to Quality Outcomes (CtQs) for a new bed tower at St. Elizabeth Hospital using Lean process improvement.

EDAC Advocate Firm Project
January 2017 EDAC Advocate Firm Project

The goal of this project was to address a patchwork of overcrowded and outdated campus facilities into a cohesive, safe, welcoming, and accessible environment for patients and their families.

EDAC Advocate Firm Project
January 2017 EDAC Advocate Firm Project

The goal of this project was to support personalized positive change for individuals living with multiple chronic diseases by transforming the way care management services are delivered and how health and wellness services are integrated in the community.

EDAC Advocate Firm Project
January 2017 EDAC Advocate Firm Project

The goal of this project was to create a patient experience that embodies Adventist core values of love, hope, faith, and peace. 

EDAC Advocate Firm Project
January 2017 EDAC Advocate Firm Project

The goal of this project was to create an environment that supports repeated engagement and provides opportunities for positive distraction for pediatric patients who repeatedly visit this unit, many for regular kidney dialysis treatment.

EDAC Advocate Firm Project
January 2017 EDAC Advocate Firm Project

The goal of this project was to embody integration and openness, to provide a safe and welcoming environment for long-term mental health patients, and to promote healing and independence for patients in their recovery journeys.

EDAC Advocate Firm Project
January 2017 EDAC Advocate Firm Project

The goal of this project was to develop a space that would act as a branding space that embodies MI2’s mantra to “think differently” and would also serve as an incubator for new ideas. 

EDAC Advocate Firm Project
January 2017 EDAC Advocate Firm Project

The goal of this project was to combine lean, sustainability, and evidence-based design (EBD) to create a patient-centered facility designed to eliminate waste, improve workplace efficiencies, and minimize environmental impact. 

EDAC Advocate Firm Project
January 2017 EDAC Advocate Firm Project

The goal of this project was to provide an innovative, eco-friendly state-of-the-art facility focused on caring, quality healthcare. A key to the project’s success was establishing a shared vision and guiding principles and using those principles to guide decisions throughout the process.

EDAC Advocate Firm Project
January 2017 EDAC Advocate Firm Project

The goal of this project was to build a cardiovascular hospital that is both technologically superior and exceptional in its capability to support patients and promote family comfort and caregiver satisfaction.